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Applied Knowledge Test for the MRCGP
Questions and Answers for the AKT
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Main description:

This new edition now contains nearly 500 questions which comprehensively cover the curriculum and use single best answer, extended matching questions, rank ordering, picture format, and algorithm completion question types. The questions continue to be grounded in everyday practice and new questions have been added which cover the topics the RCGP have identified as causing difficulty for candidates including: * Skin lesions * Contraception including LARC * Developmental milestones and immunisations in children * Side-effects of commonly used drugs * Osteoporosis * Diabetes - interpreting diagnostic test results Questions and answers have been updated to reflect changes in management of clinical areas such as atrial fibrillation, as well as in administrative areas such as the new fit notes, with references updated throughout.
This new edition features even more questions in every format: * 350 extended matching, single best answer questions, rank ordering and free text completion * Nearly 80 algorithm completion questions * Nearly 50 picture questions, with all photographs presented in full colour The book has been favourably reviewed by trainees, trainers and programme directors alike and is on the recommended reading lists of a number of VTS schemes. It is essential reading for candidates preparing for the AKT and also for training practices and libraries. It has been used by trainers to plan teaching sessions and tutorials and by established GPs to help them with appraisal and revalidation.


ISBN-13: 9781907904189
Publisher: Scion Publishing Ltd
Publication date: November, 2013
Pages: 176
Dimensions: 172.00 x 244.00 x 9.00
Weight: 385g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Medical Study and Teaching Aids


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