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Main description:
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of a best-selling and renowned reference in psychotherapy research and practice.
Now celebrating its 50th anniversary and in its seventh edition, Bergin and Garfield's Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behavior Change, maintains its position as the essential reference volume for psychotherapy research. This bestselling reference remains the most important overview of research findings in psychotherapy. It is a rigorous and evidence-based text for academics, researchers, practitioners, and students.
In recognition of the 50th anniversary, this edition contains a Foreword by Allen Bergin while the Handbook covers the following main themes: historical and methodological issues, measuring and evidencing change in efficacy and practice-based research, therapeutic ingredients, therapeutic approaches and formats, increasing precision and scale of delivery, and future directions in the field of psychotherapy research. Chapters have either been completely rewritten and updated or comprise new topics by contributors including:
Characteristics of effective therapists
Mindfulness and acceptance-based therapies
Personalized treatment approaches
The internet as a medium for treatment delivery
Models of therapy and how to scale up treatment delivery to address unmet needs
The newest edition of this renowned Handbook offers state-of-the-art updates to the key areas in psychotherapy research and practice today. Over 60 authors, experts in their fields, from over 10 countries have contributed to this anniversary edition, providing in-depth, measured and insightful summaries of the current field.
Lists of Contributors
Contents of all Handbook Editions
Part 1: History and Methods
Chapter 1: Traditions and New Beginnings: Historical and Current Perspectivees on Research in Psychotherapy and Behavior Change
Wolfgang Lutz, Louis G Castonguay, Michael J Lambert, and Michael Barkham
Chpater 2: Methodological Foundations and Innovations in Quantitative Psychotherapy Research
Scott A Baldwin and Simon B Goldberg
Chapter 3: The Conceptualization, Design, and Evaluation of Qualitative Methods in Research on Psychotherapy
Heidi Levitt, John McLeod, and William B Stiles
Part ll: Measuring and Evidencing Change in Efficacy and Practice-Based Research
Chapter 4: Measuring, Predicting, and Tracking Change in Psychotherapy
Wolfgang Lutz, Kim de Jong, Julian A Rubel, and Jaime Delgadillo
Chapter 5: The Efficacy and Effectiveness of Psychological Therapies
Michael Barkham and Michael J Lambert
Chapter 6: Practice-Based Evidence- Findings from Routine Clinical Settings
Louis G Castonguay, Michael Barkham, Soo Jeong Youn, and Andrew C Page
Part lll: Therapeutic Ingredients
Chapter 7: Patient, Therapist, and Relational Factors
Michael J Constantino, James F Boswell, and Alice E Coyne
Chapter 8: Psychotherapy Process- Outcome Research: Advances in Understanding Casual Connections
Paul Crits-Christoph and Mary Beth Connolly Gibbons
Chapter 9: Therapist Effects: History, Methods, Magnitude, and Characteristics of Effective Therapists
Bruce E Wampold and Jesse Owen
Chapter 10: Training and Supervision in Psychotherapy: What We Know and Where We Need to Go
Sarah Knox and Clara E Hill
Chapter 11: Qualitative Research: Contributions to Psychotherapy Practice, Theory and Policy
John McLeod, William B Stiles, and Heidi M. Levitt
Part IV: Therapeutic Approaches and Formats
Chapter 12: Research on Dynamic Therapies
Jacques P Barber, J Christopher Muran, Kevin S McCarthy, John R Keefe and Sigal Zilcha-Mano
Chapter 13: Research on Humanistic-Experiential Psychotherapies: Updated Review
Robert Elliot, Jeanne Watson, Ladislav Timulak, and Jason Sharbanee
Chapter 14: Cognitive, Behavioral and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (First and Second Waves)
Michelle G Newman, W Stewart Agras, David A F Haaga, and Robin B Jarrett
Chapter 15: Mindfulness and Acceptance-Based Treatments
Evan M Forman, Joanna J Arch, Jonathan B Bricker, Brandon A Guadiano, Adrienne S Jurascio, Shireen L Rizvi, Zindel V Segal, and Kevin E Vowles
Chapter 16: Systemic and Conjoint Couple and Family Therapies: Recent Advances and Future Promise
Myrna L Friedlander, Laurie Heatherington, and Gary M Diamond
Chapter 17: Efficacy of Small Group Treatments: Foundation for Evidence-Based Practice
Gary M Burlingame and Bernhard Strauss
Chapter 18: Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents: From Efficacy to Effectiveness, Scaling and Personalizing
Mei Yi Ng, Jessica L Schleider, Rachel L Horn, and John R Weisz
Part V: Increasing Precision and Scale in the Psychological Therapies
Chapter 19: Personalized Treatment Approaches
Zachary D Cohen, Jaime Delgadillo, Robert J DeRubeis
Chapter 20: Combining Psychotherapy and Medications
Steven D Hollon, Paul W Andrews, Matthew C Keller, Daisy R Singla, Marta M Maslej and Benoit H Mulsant
Chapter 21: Internet Approaches to Psychotherapy: Empirical Findings and Future Directions
Gerhard Andersson and Thomas Berger
Chapter 22: Extending the Scalability and Reach of Psychosocial Interventions
Alan E Kazdin
Part VI: Towards the Future
Chapter 23: Epilogue: Prevalent Themes, Predictions, and Recommendations
Louis G Castonguay, Catherine Eubanks, Shigeru Iwakabe, Mariane Krause, Andrew C Page, Sigal Zilcha-Mano, Wolfgang Lutz, and Michael Barkham
Author Index
Subject Index
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd (John Wiley & Sons Inc)
Publication date: October, 2021
Pages: 864
Weight: 1984g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Psychotherapy
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