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Biomedical EPR - Part A: Free Radicals, Metals, Medicine and Physiology
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Main description:

Biomedical EPR - Part A focuses on applications of EPR spectroscopy in the areas of free radicals, metals, medicine, and physiology. The book celebrates the 70th birthday of Prof. James S. Hyde, Medical College of Wisconsin, and his contributions to this field. Chapters are written to provide introductory material for new-comers to the field which lead into up-to-date reviews that provide perspective on the wide range of questions that can be addressed by EPR.

Key Features:
Free Radicals in Medicine

Radicals in vivo and in Model Systems, and their Study by Spin Trapping

In vivo EPR, including Oximetry and Imaging

Time Domain EPR at Radio Frequencies

EPR of Copper Complexes: Motion and Frequency Dependence

Time Domain EPR and Electron Spin Echo Envelope Modulation


Section I. Instrumentation and Methodology Chapter 1 Saturation Recovery EPR; Sandra S. Eaton and Gareth R. Eaton 1. Motivation 2. Brief History 3. Information Content of Saturation Recovery Curves 4. Practical Aspects of Experimental Methodology 5. Applications 6. Prognosis 7. References Chapter 2 Loop-Gap Resonators; George A. Rinard and Gareth R. Eaton 1. Introduction 2. History 3. Why should one use loop-gap resonators? 4. Basics 5. Topologies of loop gap resonators 6. Coupling to Resonators 7. Design equations 8. Magnetic Field Modulation 9. LGR for Time Domain EPR 10. Selection of the Q of a LGR 11. Measuring B1 in the LGR 12. Variable Temperature 13. Mechanical Considerations 14. Commercial Resonators 15. Applications of Lumped-Circuit Resonators 16. Further information 17. References Chapter 3 EPR Interfaced To Rapid Mixing; Charles P. Scholes 1. Introduction 2. The Loop Gap Resonator Based Stopped-Flow System 3. Dielectric Resonator-based Stopped-Flow EPR 4. Applications of Stopped-Flow and Flow EPR to Naturally Occurring Transient Radicals 5. Future Developments and Applications of Flow and Stopped-Flow EPR 6. References Chapter 4 Application of Angle-Selected Electron Nuclear Double Resonance to Characterize Structured Solvent in Small Molecules and Macromolecules; Devkumar Mustafi and Marvin W. Makinen 1. Introduction 2. ENDOR Assignment of Molecular Structure and Conformation with VO2+ and Nitroxyl Spin-Labels 3. ENDOR Characterization of Structured Solvent in Small Molecule Complexes and in Proteins 4. Future Perspectives and Concluding Remarks 5. References Chapter 5 Solution-ENDOR of Some Biologically Interesting Radical Ions; Fabian Gerson and Georg Gescheidt 1. Solution ENDOR Spectroscopy 2. Quinones 3. Porphyrinoids 4. References Chapter 6 Electron-Electron Double Resonance; Lowell D. Kispert 1. Introduction 2. Instrumental Techniques 3. Dynamics of Biomolecules in Liquid Crystals, Glassy Solids, Polymers and Crystals 4. Practical Aspects of Measurements 5. References Chapter 7 Digital Detection by Time-Locked Sampling in EPR; James S. Hyde, Theodore G. Camenisch, Joseph J. Ratke, Robert A. Strangeway, Wojciech Froncisz 1. Introduction 2. Time Locking and Superheterodyne Detection - EPR Instrument Design Background 3. Time-Locked Subsampling Detection for CW EPR 4. Pulse Saturation Recovery Using Time-Locked Subsampling 5. Selected Engineering Considerations 6. Conclusion 7. References Chapter 8 Measurement of Distances Between Electron Spins Using Pulsed EPR; Sandra S. Eaton and Gareth R. Eaton 1. Introduction 2. Fundamental Principles of Interaction between Electron Spins 3. Distance between Two Slowly Relaxing Centers 4. Distance between a Slowly Relaxing Center and a Rapidly-Relaxing Center 5. Some Practical Considerations 6. Recent Examples for Distances between Two Slowly-Relaxing Radicals 7. Recent Examples for Distances between a Rapidly-Relaxing and a Slowly-Relaxing Spin 8. Prognosis 9. References Section II. Motion, Proteins, and Membranes Chapter 9 ESR and Molecular Dynamics; Jack H. Freed 1. Motional Narrowing and Organic Radicals 2. Double Resonance and Molecular Dynamics 3. Slow Motional ESR and Molecular Dynamics 4. High Field ESR and Molecular Dynamics 5. Spin-Echoes and


ISBN-13: 9781441934567
Publisher: Springer (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.)
Publication date: November, 2010
Pages: 550
Weight: 794g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Biochemistry, Radiology
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