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Main description:
Recent concerns over the possible effects of metal-on-metal orthopaedic implants and the evolution of more natural structures made from fibre have made medical device manufacturers consider the potential of fibre. Textiles offer the potential to replace traditional materials with novel fibres which are more suitable for many load bearing applications. Orthopaedics, in particular, is embracing textile technology for repairing, replacing, and regenerating integral pieces of the skeletal system and its associated components. This important new book will provide readers with a comprehensive overview of the role biomedical textiles can play in the orthopaedic field. Chapters in part one will discuss the fundamentals of textiles for orthopaedic applications. Part two will cover textiles for implantable orthopaedic applications whilst the final set of chapters will discuss the role of textiles in orthopaedic tissue engineering.
Biomedical textiles for orthopaedic and surgical applications: Fundamentals, applications and tissue engineering
Edited by Todd Blair, Biomedical Structures, USA
1 Biomechanical testing and development of silk-based textiles for regenerative medicine and surgery
A. Woods, University of Oxford, UK and C. Holland, University of Sheffield, UK
2 Embroidery technology for hard tissue scaffolds
A. Breier, The Leibniz-Institut fur Polymerforschung Dresden, Germany
3 Nonwoven scaffolds for bone regeneration
E. R. Durham, G. Tronci, X. Yang, D. J. Wood and S. J. Russell, University of Leeds, UK
4 Bioabsorbable fabrics for musculoskeletal scaffolds
M. Kellomaki, K. Laine and V. Ella, BioMediTech and Tampere University of Technology, Finland, and T. Annala, Scaffdex Oy, Finland
5 Nanofibers for ligament and tendon tissue regeneration
V. Leung, H. Yang and F. Ko, University of British Colombia, Canada
6 Absorbable, drug loaded, extruded fiber for implantation
K. Nelson, TissueGen Inc., USA
7 ACL prostheses using biotextiles
M. Laflamme, University of Laval, Canada
Publisher: Woodhead Publishing Ltd
Publication date: March, 2015
Pages: None
Weight: 450g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Biomedical Engineering