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Main description:
Approximately 1,000 multiple-choice questions with explanatory answers prepare the reader to pass Part I of the national, state, or local boards, or obtain state licensure. Organized by topic, this resource follows the format and proportional question breakdown of the actual exam, helping the reader prepare effectively and efficiently for this challenging test. The companion CD-ROM provides further practice with 500 additional questions, answers, and rationales.
A. Human Biology
1. Gross Anatomy
2. Histology
3. Neuroscience
4. General Biochemistry
5. General Physiology
6. General Microbiology
7. General Immunology
8. General Pharmacology
9. General Pathology
B. Ocular/Visual Biology
1. Anatomy of the Eye, Ocular Adnexa and Visual Pathway
2. Ocular and Visual Pathway Development
3. Ocular Physiology/Neurophysiology
4. Ocular Pharmacology
C. Theoretical, Ophthalmic, and Physiological Optics
1. Geometrical Optics
2. Physical Optics
3. Ophthalmic Optics
4. Visual Optics
5. Visual Perception
6. Ocular Motility
D. Psychology
1. Psychophysical Methodology
2. Human Development
Publisher: Elsevier (Butterworth-Heinemann)
Publication date: January, 2006
Pages: 336
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Medical Study and Teaching Aids, Ophthalmology and Optometry