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Cancer Cell Culture
Methods and Protocols
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Main description:

This volume explores the latest collection of cell models that are used in preclinical cancer research, and covers both two-dimensional and three-dimensional culturing techniques. The chapters in this book are divided into two parts. Part One discusses two-dimensional cancer cell culture, cell models at the Air-Liquid Interface, and the latest advancements in three-dimensional complex spheroid models and dedicated disease animal models. Part Two contains technical chapters that illustrate step-by-step methodologies for specific cancer cell culture methods. The methods discussed range from the generation of isogenic cancer cell lines, the use of serum-free growth conditions, and three-dimensional cell cultures and their specific assays for the efficacy assessment of new anticancer therapies. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.

Cutting-edge and comprehensive, Cancer Cell Culture: Methods and Protocols is a valuable tool to help researchers involved in this important field to further improve or advance their models for cancer research.


Table of Contents...
Contributing Authors...

Part I Overview of the Existing Methods for Cancer Cell Culture

1. Cancer Cell Culture: The Basics and Two-Dimensional Cultures
Melissa Anne Tutty, Sarah Holmes, and Adriele Prina-Mello

2. Cell Cultures at the Air-Liquid Interface and Their Application in Cancer Research
Luisana Di Cristo and Stefania Sabella

3. Three-Dimensional Spheroids for Cancer Research
Melissa Anne Tutty and Adriele Prina-Mello

4. Disease Animal Models for Cancer Research
Sara Fuochi and Viola Galligioni

Part II Specific Methods for Cancer Cell Culture: Step-by-Step Methodologies

5. Generation of Radio-Resistant Prostate Cancer Cells
Laure Marignol

6. Generation and Characterization of an Isogenic Cell Line Model of Radioresistant Oesophageal Adenocarcinoma
Aoife Cannon, Stephen G. Maher, and Niamh Lyna-Lennon

7. Developing an In Vitro Isogenic Model of Chemotherapy-Resistant Lung Cancer
Martin P. Barr

8. Culturing Human Lung Adenocarcinoma Cells in a Serum-Free Environment
Aline Chary

9. A Method for Culturing 3D Tumoroids of Lung Adenocarcinoma Cells at the Air-Liquid Interface
Dania Movia and Adriele Prina-Mello

10. Isolation and Cryopreservation of Mononuclear Cells from Peripheral Blood and Bone Marrow of Blood Cancer Patients
Sarah Brophy, Rebecca Amet, Hayley Foy-Stones, Ann Gardiner, and Anthony M. McElligott

11. Serum-Free Production of Human Stem Cell-Derived Liver Spheres for Cancer Metastasis Research
Alvile Kasarinaite, James Drew, Mantas Jonaitis, Elaine Ma, Laura M. Machesky, and David C. Hay

12. A Self-Assembly Method for Creating Vascularized Tumor Explants Using Biomaterials for 3D Culture
Lance L. Munn and Despina Bazou

13. A Step-by-Step Methodological Guide for Developing Zonal Multicellular Scaffold-Based Pancreatic Cancer Models
Priyanka Gupta and Eirini G. Velliou

14. Measuring Immune Cell Movement Towards the Soluble Microenvironment of Human Tissues Using a Boyden Chamber-Based Migration Assay
Eimear Mylod, Joanne Lysaght, and Melissa J. Conroy

15. A Method for the In Vitro Cytotoxicity Assessment of Anti-Cancer Compounds and Materials Using High Content Screening Analysis
Melissa Tutty and Adriele Prina-Mello

16. Testing the Effects of Magnetic Hyperthermia in In Vitro 2D Tumor Cultures
Gary Hannon and Adriele Prina-Mello

17. Cell Viability Assay with 3D Prostate Tumor Spheroids
Ezgi Oner, Steven G. Gray, and Stephen P. Finn

18. Analysis of Cancer Cell Line Secretomes: A Complementary Source of Disease-Specific Protein Biomarkers
Katie Dunphy, Despina Bazou, and Paul Dowling

Subject Index List...


ISBN-13: 9781071630556
Publisher: Springer (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.)
Publication date: April, 2023
Pages: 300
Weight: 652g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: General Issues, Oncology


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