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Main description:
Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy: Management and Case Studies, Second Edition is a unique and succinct textbook for the classroom that blends clinical notes on assessment and management together with case-based instructional approaches to cardiopulmonary care for acute and ambulatory care patients. This one-of-a-kind text describes current approaches that cover traditional physical therapist management strategies and includes evidence-based chapters on early mobilisation and exercise training on a wide range of cardiopulmonary patient groups.
The updated Second Edition presents twenty-four cases that were designed to complement each chapter topic and represent the most common pulmonary, cardiac, and neurological conditions that are typically managed in cardiopulmonary care. These cases have been carefully selected and developed over several years to illustrate a spectrum of clinical issues essential for the preparation of the entry-level therapist. The very interactive nature of the case history approach is engaging and provides the opportunity to work through many of the steps of the clinical decision-making process.
Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy: Management and Case Studies, Second Edition also includes answer guides for the questions posed in the assessment and management chapters, as well as for the twenty-four cases.
New in the Second Edition:
Twenty-four carefully selected evidence-based cases designed to go "hand-in-hand" with chapter topics
An international perspective that is relevant to physical therapy practice in several countriesDetailed chapter on non-invasive ventilation and mechanical ventilationSeveral chapters describe early mobilisation and exercise training for a range of cardiopulmonary patient groups including those admitted to an intensive care unitFaculty will benefit from the "Talk Me Through" PowerPoint slides, which provide a great opportunity for independent learning and complement classroom teaching
The two-fold evidence and case-based learning approach used by Dr. W. Darlene Reid, Frank Chung, and Dr. Kylie Hill allows for a more engaging experience. The inclusion of interactive materials will allow students to learn and develop skills to prepare themselves for their professional transition while clinicians can use the text as a reference tool.
About the Editors
Contributing Authors
Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology of the Respiratory and Cardiovascular Systems
Cristiane Yamabayashi, BSc(PT), PhD and W. Darlene Reid, BMR(PT), PhD
Chapter 2 Respiratory Conditions
Patricia G. Camp, PhD, PT; W. Darlene Reid, BMR(PT), PhD;
Frank Chung, BSc(PT), MSc; and Kylie Hill, BSc(Physiotherapy), PhD
Chapter 3 Cardiovascular Conditions
Frank Chung, BSc(PT), MSc and Lori Roy, BSc(PT)
Chapter 4 Surgical Interventions
Frank Chung, BSc(PT), MSc and Lori Roy, BSc(PT)
Chapter 5 Conditions That Can Compromise the Respiratory System
W. Darlene Reid, BMR(PT), PhD and Frank Chung, BSc(PT), MSc
Chapter 6 Clinical Decision Making
Kylie Hill, BSc(Physiotherapy), PhD and W. Darlene Reid, BMR(PT), PhD
Chapter 7 Chart Review and Patient Interview
Kylie Hill, BSc(Physiotherapy), PhD and W. Darlene Reid, BMR(PT), PhD
Chapter 8 Arterial Blood Gas Interpretation
W. Darlene Reid, BMR(PT), PhD and Frank Chung, BSc(PT), MSc
Chapter 9 Chest Imaging
W. Darlene Reid, BMR(PT), PhD
Chapter 10 Pulmonary Function Testing
W. Darlene Reid, BMR(PT), PhD
Chapter 11 Laboratory Investigations
Frank Chung, BSc(PT), MSc
Chapter 12 Electrocardiogram Interpretation
Sandy Gilmour, BSc, RN and W. Darlene Reid, BMR(PT), PhD
Chapter 13 Physical Examination 187
Kylie Hill, BSc(Physiotherapy), PhD; Frank Chung, BSc(PT), MSc;
Lori Roy, BSc(PT); and W. Darlene Reid, BMR(PT), PhD
Chapter 14 Surface Anatomy and Auscultation
W. Darlene Reid, BMR(PT), PhD and Mireille Landry, BSc(PT), MSc
Chapter 15 Screening and Exercise, Strength, and Functional Performance Tests
W. Darlene Reid, BMR(PT), PhD and Kylie Hill, BSc(Physiotherapy), PhD
Chapter 16 Oxygen Therapy, Noninvasive Ventilation, and Mechanical Ventilation
Shane Patman, BAppSc(Physiotherapy), MSc, PhD and
Kylie Hill, BSc(Physiotherapy), PhD
Chapter 17 Adult and Patient Education
Judy King, PhD, MHSc, BHSc(PT)
Chapter 18 Breathing Strategies and Exercises
Kylie Hill, BSc(Physiotherapy), PhD; Frank Chung, BSc(PT), MSc;
and W. Darlene Reid, BMR(PT), PhD
Chapter 19 Positioning
Kylie Hill, BSc(Physiotherapy), PhD; Frank Chung, BSc(PT), MSc;
and W. Darlene Reid, BMR(PT), PhD
Chapter 20 Airway Clearance Techniques
Jamie Wood, BSc(Physiotherapy); Frank Chung, BSc(PT), MSc;
and Nola Cecins, BAppSc, MSc
Chapter 21 Mobilization and Exercise for Hospitalized Patients
Megan Harrold, BSc(Physiotherapy); Frank Chung, BSc(PT), MSc;
and Kylie Hill, BSc(Physiotherapy), PhD
Chapter 22 Exercise Training in Cardiac Rehabilitation
Mireille Landry, BSc(PT), MSc and Andrew Maiorana, BSc, MSc, PhD
Chapter 23 Exercise Training in Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Sunita Mathur, BSc(PT), MSc, PhD and Dina Brooks, BSc(PT), MSc, PhD
Preamble to Cases
Case 1 Atelectasis-Postoperatively in an Obese Patient-Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolus
Frank Chung, BSc(PT), MSc and Lori Roy, BSc(PT)
Case 2 Metabolic Syndrome
Kylie Hill, BSc(Physiotherapy), PhD
Case 3 Postoperative Laparotomy in an Older Patient
Simone Gruenig, BSc, MSc(PT) and W. Darlene Reid, BMR(PT), PhD
Case 4 Postoperative Thoracotomy in a Smoker
Simone Gruenig, BSc, MSc(PT) and W. Darlene Reid, BMR(PT), PhD
Case 5 Acute Myocardial Infarction-Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
Frank Chung, BSc(PT), MSc
Case 6 Left-Sided Congestive Heart Failure-Pulmonary Edema
Frank Chung, BSc(PT), MSc and W. Darlene Reid, BMR(PT), PhD
Case 7 Atelectasis-Postoperatively in an Older Patient-Hypotensive and Atrial Fibrillation
Frank Chung, BSc(PT), MSc
Case 8 Aspiration Pneumonia and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Frank Chung, BSc(PT), MSc and Lori Roy, BSc(PT)
Case 9 Elderly Patient With a Pleural Condition
Simone Gruenig, BSc, MSc(PT); Frank Chung, BSc(PT), MSc;
and W. Darlene Reid, BMR(PT), PhD
Case 10 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in the Intensive Care Unit
Frank Chung, BSc(PT), MSc and Lori Roy, BSc(PT)
Case 11 Chest Trauma-Pneumothorax/Fractured Ribs 3
Frank Chung, BSc(PT), MSc; Kylie Hill, BSc(Physiotherapy), PhD;
and W. Darlene Reid, BMR(PT), PhD
Case 12 Acute Cervical Spinal Cord Injury
Kylie Hill, BSc(Physiotherapy)
Case 13 Restrictive Lung Disease
W. Darlene Reid, BMR(PT), PhD and Frank Chung, BSc(PT), MSc
Case 14 Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
W. Darlene Reid, BMR(PT), PhD; Frank Chung, BSc(PT), MSc;
and Kylie Hill, BSc(Physiotherapy), PhD
Case 15 Cystic Fibrosis and Lung Transplant
W. Darlene Reid, BMR(PT), PhD and Sunita Mathur, BSc(PT), MSc, PhD
Case 16 Asthma-Acute Exacerbation
W. Darlene Reid, BMR(PT), PhD and Frank Chung, BSc(PT), MSc
Case 17 Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
W. Darlene Reid, BMR(PT), PhD and Frank Chung, BSc(PT), MSc
Case 18 Acute Myocardial Infarction-Good Recovery
Frank Chung, BSc(PT), MSc
Case 19 Chronic Heart Failure-Post-Myocardial Infarction-Class III/IV
Frank Chung, BSc(PT), MSc
Case 20 Chronic Heart Failure-Cardiomyopathy-Class I/II
Frank Chung, BSc(PT), MSc
Case 21 Peripheral Vascular Disease
Frank Chung, BSc(PT), MSc and Lori Roy, BSc(PT)
Case 22 Exercising Outpatient-Arrhythmia and Hypotension
W. Darlene Reid, BMR(PT), PhD
Case 23 Lobar Pneumonia and Angina
Frank Chung, BSc(PT), MSc and W. Darlene Reid, BMR(PT), PhD
Case 24 Pleural Effusion Complicated by Cardiac Effusion and Cardiac Tamponade
Frank Chung, BSc(PT), MSc and W. Darlene Reid, BMR(PT), PhD
Answer Guides: Chapters
Answer Guides: Cases
Appendix: Summary of Common Laboratory Values and Clinical Implications
Financial Disclosures
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: December, 2013
Pages: 512
Weight: 1165g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Accident & Emergency Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, Counselling & Therapy, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Respiratory Medicine