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Chemistry of Foods: EU Legal and Regulatory Approaches
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Main description:

This book concerns the EU legal and regulatory framework relating to Chemicals in Food. It is divided in two parts: the first section offers an introduction to the European General Food Law with an analysis of EFSA (the European Food Safety Authority) and a description of main features of food safety-related regulations. The second part focusses on the legislation finding application concerning chemicals in food from different viewpoints, namely:
- the REACH regulation;
- the enzyme, flavorings and additive regulatory framework;
- the matter of contamination and veterinary drugs;
- the use of Food contact materials.
The final chapter addresses several considerations relating to chemical hazards and crisis management, highlighting shortcomings and lessons from experience.


Introduces to the European General Food Law and analyzes the EFSA (the European Food Safety Authority)

Describes food safety-related regulations

Treats the legislation laying down chemicals in food from different viewpoints (REACH regulations; the enzyme, flavorings and additive regulatory framework; the matter of contamination and veterinary drugs; the use of Food contact materials)

Back cover:

This book concerns the EU legal and regulatory framework relating to Chemicals in Food. It is divided in two parts: the first section offers an introduction to the European General Food Law with an analysis of EFSA (the European Food Safety Authority) and a description of main features of food safety-related regulations. The second part focusses on the legislation finding application concerning chemicals in food from different viewpoints, namely:
- the REACH regulation;
- the enzyme, flavorings and additive regulatory framework;
- the matter of contamination and veterinary drugs;
- the use of Food contact materials.
The final chapter addresses several considerations relating to chemical hazards and crisis management, highlighting shortcomings and lessons from experience.


Food Safety in Europe .- EU Regulations on Chemicals in Foods.


ISBN-13: 9783319034331
Publisher: Springer (Springer International Publishing)
Publication date: September, 2014
Pages: 100
Weight: 150g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Biochemistry
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