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Protein Folding
An Introduction
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Main description:

This snapshot volume is designed to provide a smooth entry into the field of protein folding. Presented in a concise manner, each section introduces key concepts while providing a brief overview of the relevant literature. Outlook subsections will pinpoint specific aspects related to emerging methodologies, concepts and trends.


Provides a snapshot of the field of protein folding

Presents a unique resource for newcomers to the field

Indicates further reading from the current literature


Energetics of Protein Folding: why proteins fold into stable conformations?.- Introduction: Protein structure, assembly and dynamics.- Protein structural diversity: globular, multidomain and intrinsically unstructured.- The thermodynamic hypothesis of protein folding: Anfinsen’s dogma.- Outlook: The amyloid state.- Protein stability: how is the folded conformation maintained?.- Physical Driving Forces for protein folding and stability.- Measuring protein stability: chemical and thermal denaturation.- Outlook: Hyperstable proteins: lessons from thermophiles and knotted proteins.- Protein Folding Kinetics and mechanisms: how do proteins fold?.- The Levinthal paradox and folding funnels.- Folding intermediates and the molten globule state.- The nucleation mechanism of protein folding.- A survey on experimental methods:  time-resolved methods and the chevron plot.- Computational analysis of folding kinetics: go-model and full atomistic analysis.- Outlook: protein folding in the cell.- Protein misfolding and aggregation.- Protein aggregation, aggresomes and inclusion bodies.- Mechanisms of amyloid formation: aggregates, protofibrilis and fibrils .- Mechanisms and analysis of fibril formation .- Evolutionary adaptations to prevent aggregation (gatekeeping residues).- Outlook: protein folding and disease.


ISBN-13: 9783319008813
Publisher: Springer (Springer International Publishing)
Publication date: June, 2016
Pages: 100
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Biochemistry
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