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Classifications in Surgery in Clinical Practice
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Main description:

Learning and understanding classification systems is an integral part of the surgical curriculum and training. They are also common topics for quizzing during ward rounds, in theatre and in exams. Most surgical textbooks will describe some of the classification systems relevant to the topic in discussion, but this is often lost in the depth of the text.

The need for such a book is evident by the fact that trainees often have to spend time compiling their own classification lists prior to ward rounds and exams. This is time consuming, thus the lists are generally incomplete and sometimes incorrect.

This is the first handbook aimed at junior surgeons, bringing together clinically relevant classification systems in a clear and easily read format. With the present increased attention towards measures to improve quality of surgical training, we feel such a book would be an essential aid at the present time.


Clear table describing the classification for each topic, including illustrations where relevant: This allows the reader to easily identify and understand the classification system and the categories within it

Significance of the classification system explained. Classification systems are developed to aid diagnosis or treatment: Often they may be used a prognostic indicator or as a means of coherent communication between medical personnel. Thus it is of paramount importance for the junior surgeon to understand the significance of what they have classified – often this information is not clear in existing books. Classification in Surgery clearly tabulates and explains the reasons and significance behind the categories within the classification system

The history or original paper leading to the development of the classification system explained: This allows the reader to develop a better understanding of the relevance of the scheme in his or her particular situation

Alternative classifications systems discussed: The reader gains a broader understanding of the topic, with a choice to use a different system if he or she feels it appropriate

Aid memoir: Surgeons are required to remember a large amount of information, which is often difficult. Thus commonly used aid memoirs have been included, where appropriate, to allow improved recall of studied material


ISBN-13: 9781447128489
Publisher: Springer (Springer London)
Publication date: December, 2099
Pages: 118
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: General


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