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Communication Scenarios for the MRCPCH and DCH Clinical Exams
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Main description:

The new MRCPCH clinical examination aims to assess whether candidates have reached the standard in clinical skills expected of a newly appointed specialist registrar. Success in the communication skills stations is vital to achieve overall success. This book will help candidates with both the clinical MRCPCH and DCH examinations, and will also be useful to paediatric trainees in their day to day clinical encounters.It is a known fact that in the present set up of MRCPCH clinical examinations, extra points gained at clinical scenario stations can make a difference between passes and failures. The authors of this book have not yet forgotten the agonies of these examinations and participate actively in teaching others who are about to confront the same hurdle...'An effective communication is both a science and an art, and depends on a number of factors including the environment and behaviour of the participants but eventually the success depends on the knowledge about the condition and overall skill of the person. This only comes from practice.
The present book serves this purpose by providing a compendium of stimulating case scenarios, which should benefit particularly those undertaking clinical MRCPCH examination' - Sunil K Sinha in his Foreword.


ISBN-13: 9781846192395
Publisher: Radcliffe Publishing Ltd
Publication date: September, 2008
Pages: 224
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Medical Study and Teaching Aids
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