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Diagnostic Pathology: Gynecologic Pathology
Published by Amirsys
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Main description:

Designed as an easy-to-use and comprehensive reference for practicing pathologists and pathologists-in-training, Diagnostic Pathology: Gynecologic Pathology is a highly anticipated title in the Diagnostic Pathology series offered by Amirsys. This textbook is filled with bulleted, but highly detailed, text on common and uncommon entities involving the female genital tract including tumor and tumor-like lesions. It is filled with superior medical images, including gross and microscopic pathology, a wide range of supportive immunohistochemistry, and detailed medical illustrations with numerous examples of morphologic findings. For each site within the female genital tract, you’ll find reference to important anatomic, histologic, and specimen handling issues including those encountered at the time of frozen section. In addition, uncommonly discussed topics such as inflammatory diseases of the vulva are covered by experts in the field of dermatopathology. You’ll also find new information on classification of squamous lesions of the distal female genital tract. Moreover, each chapter will cover the role of immunohistochemistry as well as other ancillary techniques in the differential diagnosis in gynecologic pathology. This volume is intended to be a concise, user friendly, superior diagnostic textbook for the busy practicing pathologist as well as pathology residents and fellows in training.

·        Tables for easy reference and thorough understanding 
·        Specimen handling discussion
·        Features the classic benefits of all Amirsys® titles, including time-saving bulleted text, Key Facts in each chapter, stunning annotated images, and an extensive index
·        Amirsys eBook Advantage™, an online version of the print book with fully searchable text


ISBN-13: 9781931884600
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Publication date: April, 2014
Pages: 800
Weight: 6g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Pathology
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