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Main description:
This book offers a single publication to be utilised comprehensively as a reference manual within current mammographic clinical practice for use by assistant practitioners and practitioners as well as trainees in radiography and related disciplines.
In recent years mammographic clinical practice and technology have evolved rapidly and become increasingly sophisticated, this book will cover these issues. The public feel increasingly empowered to 'have a say' in their care and expectations of their mammography experience is high. Consequently a well-trained, well-informed practitioner is of paramount importance in clinical practice today.
This book addresses patient/client-related issues in the form of psychological and emotional support they may require. This will enable the reader to gain insight into the patient/client perspective and thereby assist in meeting their needs.
Part 1. Introduction and background.- 1. Anatomy and physiology: Breast anatomy.- 2. Breast Density and Influencing Factors.- 3. Aetiology and epidemiology of breast cancer.- 4. Other breast diseases.- 5. Signs and symptoms of breast cancer with management pathways.- 6. Disease progression - local and distal spread (mechanisms).- 7. Mammography Screening: Philosophy - evidence for and against.- 8. Screening programs for breast cancer in Europe.- Part 2. Caring for Patients and Clients.- 9. Sue's story: the big journey.- 10. Psychological considerations in attending for mammography screening.- 11. Emotional Intelligence.- 12. Client-practitioner interactions within breast care services.- 13. The use of Digital Health Technology and Social Media to support Breast Screening.- 14. Pain in mammography.- 15. Tissue viability and skin tearing in mammography.- Part 3. Equipment.- 16. Mammography imaging equipment.- 17. Equipment quality control.- 18. Radiation dose in mammography.- 19. Mammographic Density.- Part 4. Imaging Techniques.- 20. Recording clinical and client information prior to imaging.- 21. Practical mammography.- 22. Mammography Compression: A Need for Mechanical Standardization.- 23. Repetitive Strain Injury.- 24. Supplementary Mammographic Projections.- 25. Magnification and compression views.- 26. Specimen Imaging.- 27. Imaging the Augmented Breast.- 28. Imaging Bariatric, Post Surgical and Limited Mobility Clients.- 29. Male Mammography.- 30. Digital Breast Tomosynthesis.- 31. Reflection on the Oslo Tomosynthesis Screening Trial.- 32. Purpose of Interventional Procedures.- 33. Image Guided Interventional Techniques.- 34. Contrast enhanced investigations.- Part 5. Service Quality Assurance.- 35. Radiographic Service Quality.-36. Observer studies in Mammography.
Publisher: Springer (Springer International Publishing AG)
Publication date: March, 2015
Pages: 200
Weight: 1086g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Oncology, Radiology
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