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Disabled Children and Developing Countries
Clinics in Developmental Medicine
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Main description:

This book describes the situation of children with a range of disabilities living in developing countries. It evaluates currently available models of therapy, treatment and education, and how some of these have been applied where resources are scarce. Community–based solutions reached in developing countries, and the social and political context governing further progress, have implications in turn for professionals in developing countries. The book provides a critical basis of knowledge from which services for disabled children and their families may be planned appropriately. The international group of authors do not focus on any particular disability, nor on any one part of the world, but provide a broad coverage of issues concerning children and disability in developing countries.

Back cover:

This book describes the situation of children with a range of disabilities living in developing countries. It evaluates currently available models of therapy, treatment and education, and how some of these have been applied where resources are scarce. Community–based solutions reached in developing countries, and the social and political context governing further progress, have implications in turn for professionals in developing countries. The book provides a critical basis of knowledge from which services for disabled children and their families may be planned appropriately. The international group of authors do not focus on any particular disability, nor on any one part of the world, but provide a broad coverage of issues concerning children and disability in developing countries.


1. Prevalence and priorities.

2. Child disability services and interventions.

3. Evaluation of intervention.

4. Early intervention in developing countries.

5. Surgery and disabled children.

6. Identification and assessment.

7. Disabled children and education.

8. Disability programmes in the community.

9. Growing up disabled.

10. The disabling effects of war.

11. Rights not charity.

12. Conclusions.


ISBN-13: 9781898683049
Publisher: Mac Keith Press (MacKeith Press)
Publication date: February, 2007
Pages: 240
Dimensions: 180.00 x 249.00 x 23.05
Weight: 790g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Diseases and Disorders
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