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The Placenta and Neurodisability
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Main description:

What are the interactions between altered placental function and neurodisability? In this book a team of experts give detailed accounts of placental lesions that affect normal structure and function to show how impaired placental function may contribute to deviant fetal growth and altered brain development. They outline the processes that lead to brain injury, and show the extent to which such early effects on brain development lead to disability in later childhood. Chapters focus on the specific transporter systems located in the placental syncytiotrophoblast that protect the fetus from drugs and xenobiotics in the maternal circulation. They also look at the animal models used to study causes of fetal brain damage, and the interactions between fetal genes and the uterine environment that predispose to the development of schizophrenia in adult life.

Back cover:

What are the interactions between altered placental function and neurodisability? In this book a team of experts give detailed accounts of placental lesions that affect normal structure and function to show how impaired placental function may contribute to deviant fetal growth and altered brain development. They outline the processes that lead to brain injury, and show the extent to which such early effects on brain development lead to disability in later childhood. Chapters focus on the specific transporter systems located in the placental syncytiotrophoblast that protect the fetus from drugs and xenobiotics in the maternal circulation. They also look at the animal models used to study causes of fetal brain damage, and the interactions between fetal genes and the uterine environment that predispose to the development of schizophrenia in adult life.


Authors′ appointments; Foreword Martin Bax; Preface Philip Baker and Colin Sibley; 1. The placenta and neurological outcome in the child Karin Nelson; 2. Deficient trophoblast invasion, placental and fetal compromise Fiona Lyall; 3. The materno–fetal inflammatory response Mark Turner; 4. Cytokines, growth factors, placental insufficiency and infection Ian Crocker; 5. Placental lesions and neurological outcome Raymond Redline; 6. Placental pathology, intrauterine growth restriction, and subsequent child development Paul Eunson; 7. Mdr–1 p–glycoprotein in the placenta: a protective role in neurodevelopment? Diane Atkinson and Colin Sibley; 8. In–utero imaging of the placenta Penny Gowland; 9. Animal models of fetal growth restriction and cerebral compromise Donald Peebles; 10. Placental programming leading to mental ill–health: fetal growth and schizophrenia Kathryn Abel and Matthew Allin; 11. Conclusions – the placenta and neurodisability Stephen D′Souza; Index.


ISBN-13: 9781898683445
Publisher: Mac Keith Press (MacKeith Press)
Publication date: February, 2007
Pages: 168
Dimensions: 203.00 x 250.00 x 18.18
Weight: 590g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Diseases and Disorders, Neurology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Physiology
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