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DIY Clinical Examination for Medical Students
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Main description:

Featuring over 1,000 images, "DIY Clinical Examination for Medical Students" is a groundbreaking new illustrated guide to clinical examination for medical students. Designed to boost your understanding of clinical techniques in practice, "DIY Clinical Examination for Medical Students" builds confidence by: demonstrating a system for examining the body, including the assessment of function and the use of common clinical tools; displaying relevant observable and palpable anatomy; and, providing an introduction to basic pathology.This title also builds confidence by: deconstructing patient diagnosis - from history-taking, examination and subsequent discussion - enabling you to identify and manage abnormal states; examining and interpreting radiological images and their associated anatomy; illustrating points for vascular access and injection of local anaesthetic; considering the anatomy of common clinical procedures, tendon and joint injections, surgical incisions and access points for minimally invasive surgery; highlighting and selectively illustrating common disease entities; presenting tables and appendices on practical areas of clinical management; and, providing a glossary of common medical terms.


Aims, organisation and clinical skills, general examination, regional examination. Head Neck: Cranial Nerves Nose Eye Face Ear Neck Thyroid Musculoskeletal: Back Upper Limb Lower Limb Thorax: Chest wall Respiratory Cardiovascular Arteries Veins Vascular Access Lymphatic System Breast & Axilla Abdomen: Alimentary Inguinal and Perineum Neurological: Motor Sensory Peripheral Nerves Local Anaesthesia APPENDICES Anatomical Orientation Systemic Review Tools of Examination and Diagnosis Classification of Infective Diseases GLOSSARY


ISBN-13: 9781905635511
Publisher: PasTest
Publication date: October, 2008
Pages: 488
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Medical Diagnosis, Medical Study and Teaching Aids


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