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Main description:
Dynamic-clamp is a fascinating electrophysiology technique that consists of merging living neurons with computational models. The dynamic-clamp (also called "conductance injection") allows experimentalists and theoreticians to challenge neurons (or any other type of cell) with complex conductance stimuli generated by a computer.
The technique can be implemented from neural simulation environments and a variety of custom-made or commercial systems. The real-time interaction between the computer and cell also enables the design of recording paradigms with unprecedented accuracy via a computational model of the electrode. Dynamic-Clamp: From Principles to Applications contains contributions from leading researchers in the field, who investigate these paradigms at the cellular or network level, in vivo and in vitro, and in different brain regions and cardiac cells. Topics discussed include the addition of artificially-generated synaptic activity to neurons; adding, amplifying or neutralizing voltage-dependent conductances; creating hybrid networks with real and artificial cells; attaching simulated dendritic tree structures to the living cell; and connecting different neurons.
This book will be of interest to experimental biophysicists, neurophysiologists, and cardiac physiologists, as well as theoreticians, engineers, and computational neuroscientists. Graduate and undergraduate students will also find up-to-date coverage of physiological problems and how they are investigated.
Chapter 1: Associating living cells and computational models: from basics to present applications of the dynamic-clamp.
Zuzanna Piwkowska, Alain Destexhe and Thierry Bal Chapter 2: Dendritic dynamic clamp - a tool to study single neuron computation.
Stephen R. Williams Chapter 3: Synaptic conductances and spike generation in cortical cells.
Hugh P.C. Robinson Chapter 4: Simulating In Vivo Background Activity in a Slice with the Dynamic Clamp.
Frances Chance and Larry F. Abbott Chapter 5: Impact of background synaptic activity on neuronal response properties revealed by stepwise replication of in vivo-like conditions in vitro.
Steven A. Prescott and Yves De Koninck Chapter 6: Testing methods for synaptic conductance analysis using controlled conductance injection with dynamic clamp.
Zuzanna Piwkowska, Martin Pospischil, Michelle Rudolph-Lilith, Thierry Bal and Alain Destexhe Chapter 7: Functional roles of shunting inhibition and IBK in rat and cat cortex.
Lyle J. Graham and Adrien Schramm Chapter 8: Functions of the persistent Na+ current in cortical neurons revealed by dynamic clamp.
Johan F. Storm, Koen.Vervaeke, H. Hu, Lyle.J. Graham Chapter 9: Using 'Hard' Real-Time Dynamic Clamp to Study Cellular and Network Mechanisms of Synchronization in the Hippocampal Formation.
John A. White, Fernando R. Fernandez, Michael N. Economo, and Tilman J. Kispersky Chapter 10: Unraveling the dynamics of deep cerebellar nucleus neurons with the application of artificial conductances.
Dieter Jaeger and Risa Lin Chapter 11: Intrinsic and Network Contributions to Reverberatory Activity: Reactive Clamp and Modeling Studies.
Jean-Marc Fellous, Terrence J. Sejnowski and Zaneta Navratilova Chapter 12: Dynamic-clamp constructed hybrid circuits for the study ofsynchronization phenomena in networks of bursting neurons.
Carmen C Canavier, Fred H Sielin and Astrid A Prinz Chapter 13: Using the dynamic clamp to explore the relationship between intrinsic activity and network dynamics.
Anne-Elise Tobin, Rachel G. Grashow, Lamont S. Tang, Stefan R. Pulver, and Eve Marder Chapter 14: Re-creating in vivo-like activity and investigating the signal transfer capabilities of neurons: dynamic-clamp applications using Real-time NEURON.
Gerard Sadoc, Gwendal Le Masson, Bruno Foutry, Yann Le Franc, Zuzanna Piwkowska, Alain Destexhe and Thierry Bal Chapter 15: Using the dynamic clamp to dissect the properties and mechanisms of intrinsic thalamic oscillations.
Stuart W. Hughes, Magor Lorincz, David W. Cope and Vincenzo Crunelli. Chapter 16: Dynamic clamp with high resistance electrodes using Active Electrode Compensation in vitro and in vivo.
Romain Brette, Zuzanna Piwkowska, Cyril Monier, Jose Francisco Gomez Gonzalez, Yves Fregnac, Thierry Bal and Alain Destexhe Chapter 17: Key Factors for Improving Dynamic Clamp Performance.
Robert Butera and Risa Lin Chapter 18: Development of a genetically engineered cardiac pacemaker: insights from dynamic action potential clamp experiments.
Arie O. Verkerk, Jan G. Zegers, Antoni C. G. van Ginneken, and Ronald Wilders
Publisher: Springer (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.)
Publication date: November, 2010
Pages: 444
Weight: 676g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Neurology, Neuroscience
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