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Encyclopedia of Membranes
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Main description:

A landmark work covering the major aspects of the science, technology and application of membrane operations and related fields, from basic phenomena to the most advanced applications and future perspectives. Over 1500 concise entries in an A-Z format cover a vibrant field with a multitude of applications in diverse disciplines such as biotechnology, medicine, agro-food and petrochemical industries, environmental protection, as well as drinking water supply. Coverage includes membrane reactors and catalytic design (catalytic membrane reactors). Practically all unit operations of process engineering can be redesigned as membrane unit operations (e. g. membrane distillation, membrane crystallization, membrane stripping, membrane scrubbing). Entries are provided by an international team of experts from academia, research institutions as well as from industry.


The only A-Z reference covering both membrane science and engineering

Over 1500 concise entries

Highly topical and a broad range of applications in diverse fields such as medicine, biotechnology, environmental protection and drinking water supply

Back cover:

A landmark work covering the major aspects of the science, technology and application of membrane operations and related fields, from basic phenomena to the most advanced applications and future perspectives. Over 1500 concise entries in an A-Z format cover a vibrant field with a multitude of applications in diverse disciplines such as biotechnology, medicine, agro-food and petrochemical industries, environmental protection, as well as drinking water supply. Coverage includes membrane reactors and catalytic design (catalytic membrane reactors). Practically all unit operations of process engineering can be redesigned as membrane unit operations (e. g. membrane distillation, membrane crystallization, membrane stripping, membrane scrubbing). Entries are provided by an international team of experts from academia, research institutions as well as from industry.


ISBN-13: 9783662443255
Publisher: Springer (Springer Berlin Heidelberg)
Publication date: August, 2016
Pages: 3110
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Biomedical Engineering, General Issues


Enrico Drioli has been working in Membrane Science and Membrane Engineering for many years. He is a Full Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials at the University of Calabria, where he founded the Institute of Membrane Technology of the Italian Research Council in 1993. He was President of the European Society of Membrane Science and Technology (today European Membrane Society) (1982 – 1998). He is also the author of more 530 scientific papers, 18 patents in the field of Membrane Science and Technology and 10 scientific books.

Lidietta Giorno is a membrane biotechnologist with a strong background in biological science, chemical technologies and new materials. She has been involved in membrane science and engineering research and development for almost twenty years. She is Director of the Institute on Membrane Technology of the National Research Council of Italy, ITM-CNR. Lidietta Giorno is co-author of three books and some 70 peer-reviewed scientific papers in international journals. She currently the President of the European Membrane Society (EMS) and editor of the EMS Membrane Newsletter.


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