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Eye Surgery
An Introduction to Operative Technique
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Eye Surgery, 3rd edition combines the core principles and practices found in the first two editions with extensive updates from the last two decades, introducing a whole new generation of eye surgeons to the teachings of this classic text. Chapters have been completely revised and new chapters added, plus extensive color illustrations have been included that are not found in the original text. Eye Surgery, 3rd edition has a clear and practical application of ergonomic and engineering principles that allows surgeons to take advantage of the design instruments and techniques. Written and edited by leaders in the field, this edition preserves the character of the original two editions, while extensively updating the information relevant to practicing eye surgeons today.


Introduction Foreword by Dr. Georg Eisner Spacial Tactics Pressure Systems for Regulating Chamber Volume No-Outflow Systems Controlled-Outflow Systems Uncontrolled-Outflow Systems Effect of External Forces on Regulating Systems Basic Safety Strategy for Spatial Tactics Space-Tactical Instruments Watery Fluids Viscous and Viscoelastic Materials "Membranous" Implants (Bubbles) The Field of Spatial Tactics The Pressure Chamber of the Globe The Pressure Chamber of the Vitreous Effect of Deforming Forces on the Pressure Chambers of the Eye Deformations Caused by External Forces Deformation by Hinge Folds Margin of Deformation Summary of Safety Strategy for External Forces Tissue Tactics The Application of Mechanical Energy Handles Grasping The Division of Tissues Uniting of Tissues Application of Heat Heat from an External Source Heat Generation in Tissues Application of Cold Application of Light The Utilization of Chemical Effects (Electrolysis) Preparation of the Operating Field Lowering the Pressure in the Intraocular Chambers Anesthesia Instillation Anesthesia Injection Anesthesia Akinesia of the Orbicularis Muscle Retrobulbar Anesthesia Maintaining Separation of the Lids Methods of Opening the Lids Instruments for Maintaining Lid Separation Fixation of the Globe Traction Sutures for Orienting the Globe Sutured-On Stabilizing Rings Placement of Transonjunctival Muscle Sutures Final Check of Preparations Operations on the Conjunctiva General Problems of Surgical Technique Episcleral Dissection ("Deep Dissection") Suturing the Conjunctiva Operations on the Cornea and Sclera General Problems of Surgical Technique Dissection Technique Planning the Approach to the Eye Interior Anatomic Factors in Opening the Globe Geometric Factors in Opening the Globe Comparison of Different Incision Profiles Methods of Opening the Anterior Chamber Keratome Section Cataract Knife Section cutting with a "Point" Cutting Edge Scissor Section Two-Plane Stepped Incision Trephine Incisions Suturing the Cornea and Sclera Suture Technique Special Types of Suture Operations on the Ciliary Body Byclodialysis Cyclopexy Operations on the Iris Iris Displacement and Reposition Grasping and Cutting Iridectomies Synechiolysis Surgical Enlargement of the Pupil Repair of Iris Defects Suturing the Iris Reposition of a Disinserted Iris Operations on the Lens General Problems of Surgical Technique Intracapsular Lens Delivery Mobilization (Zonulolysis) Aligning the Lens for Delivery Locomotion Instruments for Lens Delivery The Phases of a Lens Delivery Completing the Intracapsular Delivery after Inadvertent Capsule Rupture Extracapsular Cataract Operation Anterior Capsulotomy Delivery of the Nucleus Phacoemulsification Delivery of the Cortex Operations on the Posterior Lens Capsule Anterior Vitrectomy General Problems of Surgical Technique Strategic Decision-Making Criteria in Vitreous Prolapse Anterior Vitrectomy for Vitreous Prolapse Caused by External Factors Management of Vitreous Prolapse Caused by Internal Hemorrhage Future Trends


ISBN-13: 9781461456490
Publisher: Springer (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.)
Publication date: September, 2023
Pages: 450
Weight: 652g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: General, Ophthalmology and Optometry


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