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Food Digestion and Absorption
Its Role in Food Product Development
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Main description:

Focusing on the complexity of the food digestion process from oral cavity to intestine, this book looks at the anatomical intricacies of the digestive system, techniques currently used to study food digestibility, the glycemic index and bioavailability of food components. It also provides a detailed understanding of various modification techniques, critical to any food product development, such as modification of food structure, its composition, and size.

Being the first of its kind to provide an in-depth idea of various stages of food digestion, whilst linking it with approaches in modifying foods so as to cater to specific food or functional requirements, the book provides an integrated approach. Existing methods to understand the process of food digestion and advances in artificial systems that have been used for such studies are presented, substantiated with findings from scientific publications. Apart from readers from the field of medicine, this book is highly inter-disciplinary and will attract readers from food science, nutrition and food physics.


Section I: Anatomy, Physiology and Mechanisms Involved in Human Digestion; Human Oral Cavity and Oral Processing of Foods; Human Stomach: Overview of Anatomy, Physiology and Food Digestion; Human Small Intestine: Anatomy, Physiology, Nutrient Absorption and Bioavailability; Digestion in Gut, Colonic Fermentation, and Health; Section II: Impact of Food Processing Technologies on Food Matrices, Digestion and Health: Complexity of Food Matrices; Various Food Processing Techniques and Its Impact on Digestion and Health; Section III: Understanding Digestion and Absorption: In-Vivo, In-Vitro and Ex-Vivo Techniques in Digestion and Absorption Studies; Artificial Digestive Systems; Section IV: Modified Food Matrices and Implication on Food Digestion and Absorption: Implication of Modified Composition on Food Digestibility and Bioavailability; Food Structure Modification: A Novel Way to Develop Tailor-made Foods with Enhanced Nutrition Profile; Modification of Size and Its Influences on Bioavailability of Nutrients


ISBN-13: 9781788018586
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry
Publication date: July, 2023
Pages: 380
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Biochemistry


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