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Food Safety Management
Implementing a Food Safety Program in a Food Retail Business
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Main description:

The goal of this book is to show how to build and manage a food safety department that is tasked with ensuring food safety within a food retail business.  The experiences of the author as the head of Food and Product Safety at Chick-fil-A will be used as the model. Specifically, the book will discuss the specific components of a food safety program, the tactics needed to establish these components (forming the majority of the chapters), how to measure the success of each component, and how to influence the organization to ensure resources to support the program. The book will also focus on how to choose and work with the appropriate partners, validate the value to the business, and initiate the new component throughout the organization, including how to sustain the component within the program.

Five features of this book that make it distinctive are:

  • Most current “How to” book on leading a food safety department from the perspective of a respected national brand
  • Provides the proper organization and methods to manage the work necessary to ensure food safety within the organization
  • Provides the means to utilize risk-based decisions linked to business practices that accommodate a business analysis model
  • Demonstrates step-by-step examples that can be used for continuous improvement in sustaining food safety responsibilities
  • Provides examples on how to gain influence and obtain resources to support food safety responsibilities


Provides the proper organization and methods to manage the work necessary to ensure food safety within the organization

Demonstrates step-by-step examples that can be used for continuous improvement in sustaining food safety responsibilities  

Provides examples on how to gain influence and obtain resources to support food safety responsibilities ​

Back cover:

Food Safety Management is intended for retail food safety professionals and business leaders tasked to build and manage food safety programs, as well as regulatory professionals, academic researchers, including students of food science, and other food industry professionals who work to ensure the safety of food along the supply chain.

This book will help the reader to:

  • Develop and lead a food safety management program/department using a national brand perspective
  • Properly organize to manage the work necessary to ensure that food safety is a priority within all business functions in the organization (from supplier to retail units)
  • Provide the systems, broad specifications, expected training/education, and facility design needs to manage food safety risk in each business function
  • Demonstrate examples that can be used for continuous improvement in sustaining and building upon the food safety benefits achieved by the food safety management program
  • Gain influence and obtain resources to support food safety responsibilities within the business
  • Develop important relationships with public health officials based on new science and current regulatory compliance to ensure cost effective business management

About the Author

Dr. Hal King is a public health professional who has worked in the government, academia, and industry sectors to innovate public health intervention strategies for the prevention of infectious diseases.  He is currently the Director of Food and Product Safety at Chick-fil-A Inc. 

The Food Microbiology and Food Safety series is published in conjunction with the International Association for Food Protection, a non-profit association for food safety professionals. Dedicated to the life-long educational needs of its Members, IAFP provides an information network through its two scientific journals (Food Protection Trends and Journal of Food Protection), its educational Annual Meeting, international meetings and symposia, and interaction between food safety professionals.


Introduction.- The Food Safety Management Team.- The Food Safety Management Program.- Systems.- Education and Training.- Facilities and Capabilities.- Execution and Verification.- Gap Analysis.- Influence and Resources.- Partnerships with Public Health Officials.- Index.


ISBN-13: 9781461462040
Publisher: Springer (Springer New York)
Publication date: January, 2013
Pages: 120
Weight: 385g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Public Health


Dr. Hal King is a public health professional who has worked in the government, academia, and industry sectors to innovate public health intervention strategies for the prevention of infectious diseases.  He is currently the Director of Food and Product Safety at Chick-fil-A Inc. 

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