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Retail Food Safety
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Main description:

Currently, there is no one book or textbook that covers all aspects of retail food safety. It is becoming apparent that a number of issues relating to retail food safety have come to the forefront in some jurisdictions of late. For example, a recent USDA risk assessment has pointed out that issues occurring at USA retail appear to be critical in terms of contamination of deli-meat. As well, a large listeriosis outbreak in Quebec pointed to retail cross-contamination as a key issue. In terms of sanitation, a number of advances have been made, but these have not all been synthesized together in one chapter, with a focus on retail. In addition, the whole area of private standards and the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) have come to the forefront of late and these as well will be explored in great detail. Other aspects related to the safety of important food commodities such as seafood, meat, produce and dairy will also be discussed and salient areas addressed.


Discusses the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI)

Addresses the safety of important food commodities, such as seafood, meat, produce and dairy

Discusses the threat and likelihood of food contamination in retail

Back cover:

This book covers not only the basics of retail food safety, but goes into great depth in key areas, including the control of important retail pathogens such as Listeria monocytogenes and foodborne viruses. Many different facets of retail food safety from farm-to-fork are discussed, including Retail Preventive Control Plans, HACCP, and food handler certification and training. Important new areas such as the Global Food Safety Initiative, which offers international recognition of established food safety schemes, are also described in great detail. Sanitation in the retail environment is very complex in nature, and this creates challenges when trying to develop and execute an effective sanitation program. These challenges, along with their solutions, are dealt with in detail. The chapter on retail food safety in Europe gives an excellent description of the hazards and controls in food retail and sets them against the European legal framework, using the United Kingdom as an example of their application. The book finishes with an examination of retail food safety risks for populations of different races, ethnicities and income levels, and talks about the need to better understand the barriers to food safety and sanitation that face both retailers and consumers who own and shop in small grocery and convenience stores.

Retail Food Safety is an excelling resource for all food safety professionals working in the retail industry, food trade associations, all government agencies which have responsibility for retail food safety, and academics involved in teaching and/or consulting.

The Food Microbiology and Food Safety series is published in conjunction with the International Association for Food Protection, a non-profit association for food safety professionals. Dedicated to the life-long educational needs of its Members, IAFP provides an information network through its two scientific journals (Food Protection Trends and Journal of Food Protection), its educational Annual Meeting, international meetings and symposia, and interaction between food safety professionals.


1. An Introduction to Retail Food Safety - Jackie Crichton, Pete Snyder and Jeff Farber

2. Control of pathogens at retail - Gosia Kozak, Jeff Farber and Jackie Crichton

3. Retail Food Safety – Total Store by Department - Jackie Crichton

4. The applications and uses of GFSI-benchmarked food safety schemes in relation to retail - Lucia Anelich and Kevin Swoffer

5. Control of Listeria monocytogenes at retail – Haley Oliver and Susan Hammons

6. Control of viruses at retail – Jason Tetro

7. An overview of Retail Food Hygiene in Europe - Alec Kyriakides

8. Retail HACCP-based systems – Jackie Crichton

9. Sanitation and sanitation issues at retail – Tom Ford and Amy Opper

10. Retail Food Handler Certification and Food Handler Training – Pete Snyder

11. Retail food safety risks for populations of different races, ethnicities and income levels - Jennifer Quinlan


ISBN-13: 9781493915491
Publisher: Springer (Springer New York)
Publication date: October, 2014
Pages: 215
Weight: 469g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: General Issues


Dr. Jeff Farber is the Director of the Bureau of Microbial Hazards of Health Canada and works in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Jackie Crichton is a food industry Consultant working in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Dr. Pete Snyder is the president of Snyder HACCP, a food safety consulting firm, in St Paul, Minnesota.

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