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The impetus for the present volume was provided by a European conference held at St. Martens Latem (Belgium) in September 1994 and sponsered by the Directorate General XII (Science, Research and Development) of the European Commission. Preparation of the volume was also financially supported by the Direc- torate General. The editor, the contributors and all the participants in the conference are grateful to the European Commission for the generous help received. vii CONTRIBUTORS Hennann ACKERMANN, Department of Neurology, University of Ttibingen, 3 Hoppe- Seyler-StraBe, 72076 Tiibingen (Gennany). Henny BIJLEVELD, Philologie Germanique, Faculte de Philosophie et Lettres, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 50 avo F. Roosevelt, 1050 Brussels (Belgium). Veronique CAPPAERT, University Hospital Ghent, 2PI Centrum voor Gehoor- en Spraakrevalidatie, 185 De Pintelaan, 9000 Gent (Belgium). Patrick COPPENS, Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences, Moorhead State University, Moorhead, MN 56563 (USA). Jeanine DELEVAL, Department of Neurology, University Hospital 'Erasme', 808 Route de Lennik, 1070 Brussels (Belgium).
Christine EECKHAUT, University Hospital Ghent, 2PI Centrum voor Gehoor- en Spraakrevalidatie, 185 De Pintelaan, 9000 Gent (Belgium). Ingo HERTRICH, Department of Neurology, University of Ttibingen, 3 Hoppe-Seyler- StraBe, 72076 Ttibingen (Gennany). Margaret LEAHY, Clinical Speech and Language Studies, Trinity College, Dublin 2 (Ire- land). Yvan LEBRUN, Neurolinguistics Department, School of Medicine VUB, 103 Laar- beeklaan, 1090 Brussels (Belgium). Nadine MOREAU, Laboratoire de Neuropsycholinguistique Jacques Lordat, Departement des Sciences du Langage, Universite de Toulouse-Le Mirail, 5 allee A. Machado, 31058 Toulouse Cedex (France).
Preface. Introduction:- Acquired Dysarthria and Dysfluency in Adults; Y. Lebrun. Dysarthria:- Acoustic Analysis of Durational Speech Parameters in Neurological Dysarthrias; I. Hertrich, H. Ackermann. The Importance of Dysarthria in Differential Diagnosis: A Case Study; P. Coppens, R.R. Robey. Repair Strategies and Consonantal Cluster Production in Broca's Aphasia; J.-L. Nespoulous, N. Moreau. Acute Neurogenic Speechlessness; M. Ventura, et al. Slowly Progressive Dysarthria; H. van Dongen, et al. Dysfluency:- Adult-Onset Stuttering; Y. Lebrun. Idiopathic Stuttering Onset in Adults; M.M. Leahy, T. Stewart. The Differential Diagnosis of Late-Onset Stuttering; J. van Borsel, et al. A Case of Acquired Stuttering Following Brain Damage; H. Bijleveld, A.-M. Simon. Aggravation or Recurrence of Pre-Existing Stuttering Following Brain Damage Suffered in Adulthood; J. van Borsel, V. Cappaert. Index.
Publisher: Springer
Publication date: October, 2012
Pages: 195
Weight: 454g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Neurology, Neuroscience
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