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Handbook of Biochips
Integrated Circuits and Systems for Biology and Medicine
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Main description:

This book provides a broad survey of the field of biochips, including fundamentals of microelectronics and biomaterials interaction with various, living tissues, as well as numerous, diverse applications. Although a wide variety of biochips will be described, there will be a focus on those at the brain-machine interface. Analysis is included of the relationship between different categories of biochips and their interactions with the body and coverage includes wireless remote control of biochips and arrays of microelectrodes, based on new biomaterials.


Provides readers with highly-applied content relating to all types of biochips

Includes fundamentals of microelectronics and biomaterials interaction with various, living tissues

Focuses on biochips at the brain-machine interface

Provides analysis of relationship between different categories of biochips and their interactions with the body

Includes coverage of wireless remote control of biochips and arrays of microelectrodes, based on new biomaterials


Biosensing technologies and application.- Diagnosis and monitoring related biochips.- Lab-on-chip based biochips.- Telemetry and other wireless links related biochips.- Microstimulators and drug delivery biochips.- Multi-chips and smart Neuroprostheses.- Future directions.


ISBN-13: 9781461434474
Publisher: Springer (Springer New York)
Publication date: October, 2015
Pages: 1500
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Biomedical Engineering


Mohamad Sawan received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering, from Université de Sherbrooke, Canada in 1990. He joined Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal in 1991 where he is currently a Professor in Microelectronics and Biomedical Engineering. His scientific interests are the design and test of mixed-signal (analog, digital, RF, MEMS and optic) circuits and systems: design, integration, assembly and in vitro and in vivo validations. These topics are oriented toward the biomedical and telecommunications applications. Dr. Sawan is a holder of a Canada Research Chair in Smart Medical Devices. He is leading the Microsystems Strategic Alliance of Quebec (Regroupement stratégique en Microsystèmes du Québec - ReSMiQ). He is founder of the International IEEE-NEWCAS conference. He published more than 400 papers in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings. He offered more than 70 invited talks in worldwide cities and was awarded 6 patents pertaining to the field of sensors and actuators. He is editor of the Springer Mixed-signal Letters, Associate Editor and co-founder of the IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (TBioCAS), Associate Editor of the International Journal of circuit theory and applications and co-founder of the IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (BiOCAS). He is an honorary Professor at Shanghai JiaoTong University in China and a visiting Professor at Université de Metz, France. He received the Barbara Turnbull 2003 award for spinal cord research, the Medal of Merit from the Lebanese President, the Bombardier Medal of merit from the French Canadian Association for the advancement of sciences, and The American University of Science and Technology Achievement Award. Dr. Sawan is Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, Fellow of the IEEE, Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada, and Officer of the Quebec’s National Order.

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