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Hands-Free Signal Control for Human Computer Interaction in Assistive Technologies
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Main description:

This research monograph provides a clear overview of the hands-free signals, necessary to develop assistive devices in HCI. It will give researchers in this multi-disciplinary field the factors required to interpret user’s information in gesture, speech signals and bioelectric signals. The concept of using bioelectric signals in assistive devices has been found to be more effective due to the development of technologies such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

In order to design, state-of-the-art human centered systems for people with varying disabilities it is essential to combine the knowledge of experts in a number of fields. This book aims to do this by integrating, the principles, theories and methods involving signal detection, signal processing and pattern recognition from bioelectric signals across a range of disciplines including anatomy and physiology, engineering and computer science.

Hands-free Signal Control for Human Computer Interaction in Assistive Technologies will appeal to students and researchers in need of a comprehensive guide to design assistive devices and will find it an excellent resource for further work in this area.


Provides a clear overview of hands-free signal based HCIs 

Equips designers with the vital information required to develop assistive devices
Includes a case study on the development of a myoelectric controlled prosthetic hand

Back cover:

This research monograph provides a clear overview of the hands-free signals, necessary to develop assistive devices in HCI. It will give researchers in this multi-disciplinary field the factors required to interpret user’s information in gesture, speech signals and bioelectric signals. The concept of using bioelectric signals in assistive devices has been found to be more effective due to the development of technologies such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

In order to design, state-of-the-art human centered systems for people with varying disabilities it is essential to combine the knowledge of experts in a number of fields. This book aims to do this by integrating, the principles, theories and methods involving signal detection, signal processing and pattern recognition from bioelectric signals across a range of disciplines including anatomy and physiology, engineering and computer science.

Hands-free Signal Control for Human Computer Interaction in Assistive Technologies will appeal to students and researchers in need of a comprehensive guide to design assistive devices and will find it an excellent resource for further work in this area.


ISBN-13: 9783319251103
Publisher: Springer (Springer International Publishing)
Publication date: June, 2016
Pages: 290
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Biomedical Engineering, Rehabilitation
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