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Main description:
"Crash Course" is a revision series for students on system based and integrated courses. An illustrated outline format in bite-sized chunks makes the content easy to absorb. Hints and Tips and Comprehension Check boxes are built-in features designed to make the series student-friendly. A practice exam at the end enables students to assess their level of understanding. Clinical titles are written by a senior consultant and a junior doctor who has recent experience of being a student - making the books as relevant as possible for current medical students.
PART I THE PATIENT PRESENTS WITH: 1 Chest pain, 2 Breast mass or to breast screening, 3 Dysphagia, 4 Abdominal pain, 5 Jaundice, 6 Altered bowel habit / rectal bleeding, 7 Scrotal or groin mass, 8 Back pain, 9 Joint pain, 10 Neck mass, 11 Neurological symptoms, 12 Urinary tract infection in childhood, 13 Delayed passage of meconium, 14 A limp in childhood, 15 Pregnancy PART II PRINCIPLES OF RADIOLOGY: 16 Ionising radiation studies, 17 Non-ionizing radiation techniques, 18 Nuclear medicine PART III IMAGE GALLERY: 19 Respiratory imaging, 20 Cardiovascular and breast imaging, 21 Gastrointestinal imaging, 22 Abdominal imaging, 23 Orthopaedic imaging, 24 Head and neck imaging, 25 Paediatric radiology PART IV SELF-ASSESSMENT: 50 Multiple choice questions, Short answer questions, Extended matching questions, Ordered structured clinical examination questions
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