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Respiratory System
Series: Crash Course-UK
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Main description:

Covering all aspects of the syllabus, "Crash Course" offers you a fast way to recap on all you need to know to get through the exams with ease! Styled in an easy-to-follow, readily accessible format, each book has been prepared by senior medical students or junior doctors - under faculty supervision - to give you the correct level of information exactly as you need it! Each book begins with 'the patient presents with' while the second part covers the common diseases and disorders you are likely to see in the clinical situation.Richly illustrated throughout, each chapter commences with learning objectives and has ample use of Hints and Tips boxes, Clinical Features boxes and other useful aide-memoires. Self-assessment material closely reflecting current exam requirements - concludes each volume and provides you with an opportunity to perfect both your knowledge and exam technique. Fly through your exams with "Crash Course", the revision aid to get you the results you need. It is now also available on-line with Student Consult.


Part 1: Basic Medical Science. Overview of the Respiratory System; The Upper Respiratory Tract; The Lower Respiratory Tract; Ventilation and Gas Exchange; Perfusion and Gas Transport; Control of Respiratory Function; Disorders of the Lungs. Part 2: Clinical Assessment. Pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions; Presentations of Respiratory Disease; History and Examination; Investigations and Imaging. Part 3: Self Assessment. Multiple-choice questions (MCQs); Short-answer questions (SAQs); Extended-matching questions (EMQs); Essay questions; OSCE stations; MCQ Answers; SAQ Answers; EMQ answers.


ISBN-13: 9780723434191
Publisher: Elsevier (Mosby)
Publication date: November, 2007
Pages: 344
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: General Practice, Medical Study and Teaching Aids, Respiratory Medicine
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