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Main description:
Text only. This product does NOT include a Resource Central Access Code Card. To purchase the text with a Resource Central Access Code Card, please use ISBN: 0-13-281811-6 For more than 30 years, International Trauma Life Support has been at the forefront of trauma education at all levels of emergency care worldwide. This practical, hands-on training offers a complete reference covering all skills necessary for rapid assessment, resuscitation, stabilization, and transportation of the trauma patient. Updated with new photos and the latest approaches to the care of the trauma patient, this seventh edition conforms to the most recent AHA/ILCOR guidelines for artificial ventilation and CPR.
1. Scene Size Up 2. Trauma Assessment and Management 3. Assessment Skills 4. Airway Management 5. Airway Skills 6. Thoracic Trauma 7. Thoracic Trauma Skills 8. Shock 9. Vascular Access Skills 10. Head Trauma 11. Spinal Trauma 12. Spinal Trauma Skills 13. Abdominal Trauma 14. Extremity Trauma 15. Extremity Trauma Skills 16. Burns 17. Pediatric Trauma 18. Geriatric Trauma 19. Trauma in Pregnancy 20. The Impaired Patient 21. Trauma Arrest 22. Standard Precautions Appendix A Optional Skills Appendix B Communications with the Receiving Hospital Appendix C Multiple Casualty Incidents and Triage
Publisher: Pearson
Publication date: September, 2011
Pages: 432
Dimensions: 215.00 x 278.00 x 20.00
Weight: 804g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Accident & Emergency Medicine