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Main description:
With Keeping Well, remain in remission by keeping its cries at bay using the body detoxification and rejuvenation techniques that Brittany Wisniewski has spent years discovering.
After losing her mother to breast cancer, Brittany Wisniewski, a detoxification specialist, passionately dedicated her life to learning about cancer prevention and healing. She is the founder of Keep Well, a non-profit whose mission is to fund holistic care for cancer patients. In Keeping Well, cancer survivors learn:
How to decrease their cancer risk and increase the probability of remaining in remission
How to detox the body of cancer-causing factors
How to recover from post-cancer treatment and rejuvenate the body for optimal health
The ten most cancer-causing factors in their life and how to change them
Tips and tricks to stay on course while enjoying life to its fullest
Publisher: Morgan James Publishing llc
Publication date: October, 2020
Pages: 110
Weight: 652g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Oncology