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Main description:
Laryngeal cancer is a complex medical condition, and its treatments, both surgical and nonsurgical, typically affect a variety of life functions. The complex consequences of laryngeal cancer necessitate that many different medical specialties work together as a cohesive, collaborative care team to support patients and their caregivers/families. Despite the interdisciplinary treatment that laryngeal cancer requires, many resources offer the perspective of only one specific profession.
This book caters to the team approach that is needed to provide patients with evidence-based treatment and maximise outcomes. To fill this need for an interdisciplinary text, it brings together a wide range of medical professionals to represent their unique perspectives on the treatment of patients with laryngeal cancer.
Each chapter addresses a different critical aspect of the interdisciplinary care and how they impact the other aspects, written by experts in each field.
Bonus material: a supplemental website is available for healthcare providers to share with their laryngeal cancer patients and their families/caregivers. This resource provides critical information about all aspects of their care and treatment, presented in a simple, digestible way for the layperson to understand. When the whole team of health care professionals involved in laryngeal cancer management understands the big picture of care, they can tailor individual treatment priorities to the needs of each unique patient and maximise quality of life. Because of this, this book is designed to be a comprehensive guide for any professional involved in the many facets of interdisciplinary care for patients with laryngeal cancer.
About the Editors
Contributing Authors
Foreword by Edie R. Hapner, PhD, CCC-SLP
Chapter 1 The Laryngeal Cancer Care Team: Diagnosis Through Treatment
Lisa A. Vinney, PhD, CCC-SLP/L and Jennifer Campion Friberg, EdD, CCC-SLP/L, ASHA Fellow
Chapter 2 Understanding the Anatomy and Physiology of Speech, Voice, and Swallowing
Amy E. Engelhoven, PhD, CCC-SLP and Bonnie K. Slavych, MS, CCC-SLP
Chapter 3 Medical and Surgical Diagnosis and Treatment of Laryngeal Cancer
Connor W. Hoban, BS; Paul L. Swiecicki, MD; and Andrew G. Shuman, MD
Chapter 4 Airway and Respiratory Challenges in Laryngeal Cancer
Lisa Crujido, MS, CCC-SLP
Chapter 5 Communication Challenges in Laryngeal Cancer
Philip C. Doyle, PhD, CCC-SLP
Chapter 6 Nutrition and Swallowing Challenges in Laryngeal Cancer
Rachael E. Kammer, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S and Tessa Goldsmith, MA, CCC-SLP
Chapter 7 Psychosocial Care of the Patient With Laryngeal Cancer
Katharine E. Duckworth, PhD and Richard P. McQuellon, PhD
Chapter 8 Palliative Care for Patients With Laryngeal Cancer
Julia R. Brennan, BSE; Andrew J. Rosko, MD; and Andrew G. Shuman, MD
Financial Disclosures
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: October, 2016
Pages: 250
Weight: 431g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Counselling & Therapy, Nursing, Oncology, Oncology, Otorhinolaryngology (ENT), Respiratory Medicine