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Main description:
When deadly illness spreads through a population at a rapid pace, time may be of the essence in order to save lives. Using mathematics as a language to interpret assumptions concerning the biological and population mechanics, one can make predictions by analyzing actual epidemiological data using mathematical tests and results. Mathematical models can help us understand the right disease status and predict the effects of the disease on populations, which can help limit the spread and devastation of the illness. Mathematical Models of Infectious Diseases and Social Issues is a collection of innovative research that examines the dynamics of diseases and their effect on populations. Featuring coverage of a broad range of topics including deterministic models, environmental pollution, and social issues, this book is ideally designed for diagnosticians, clinicians, healthcare providers, pharmacists, government health officials, policymakers, academicians, researchers, and students.
Publisher: Business Science Reference
Publication date: June, 2020
Pages: 300
Weight: 652g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Infectious Diseases