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Main description:
Medication Detox reveals the key to taking charge of one's health and how to take back their life and stop wasting time and money.
It's time to learn how to make small changes that make a big difference and ultimately put the health back in the hands of people struggling with taking too many medications. With Medication Detox, it won't be long before they won't need many medications - if any! In Medication Detox, board-certified physician Rachel Reinhart Taylor, MD shows how to:
Recognize the best method of healing
Avoid the constant increases in the cost of health
Begin decreasing the need for medications
Simplify a healthy lifestyle to have more time
Gain confidence in the ability to manage health
Publisher: Morgan James Publishing llc
Publication date: October, 2020
Pages: 164
Weight: 652g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Complementary Medicine, Diseases and Disorders