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Main description:
This is a 'how to do it', practice-centred book, providing workable educational strategies to assist busy practitioners supervise and support the learning and assessment of learners during clinical placements, to achieve valid and reliable assessments. All strategies are underpinned by a solid theoretical and evidence base. The complexity and challenges of mentoring, learning and assessing in the clinical setting are specifically addressed.
particular focus on the management of the non-achieving and failing student, with reference to extensive, recent work on mentoring, learning and assessment of clinical practice
critical exploration of professional accountability and associated legal ramifications surrounding learning and assessment of clinical practice
detailed consideration of how to use a model for learning from experience as a framework to facilitate experience-based learning
extensive reference to the legislation, standards and guidelines on pre-registration health care education published by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)
additional material on the monitoring and assessment of professional conduct and behaviours.
direct reference to the mentoring and assessment of health care students in professions regulated by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)
reference to the Disability Act of 2010, and more detailed discussion on how to meet the needs of students with special needs, in particular students with dyslexia
new appendix providing a comprehensive list of professional behaviours for assessment.
The purposes and nature of assessment and clinical assessment. Responsibility and accountability surrounding clinical assessment. What do we assess? How do we assess? Conducting defensible and fair assessments. Assessment as a process to support learning. Monitoring progress, managing feedback and making assessment decisions . The clinical environment as a setting for learning and professional development. Learning through clinical practice: unearthing meaning from experience. Appendices.
Publisher: Elsevier (Churchill Livingstone)
Publication date: May, 2013
Pages: 230
Weight: 652g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Nursing
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