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Main description:
The fourth edition of this science essentials text for massage students features new full-color photos and illustrations along with an easy-to-read, conversational style that explains A&P concepts clearly. The book not only helps students learn the information they need to pass certification exams, but it also helps them see how scientific content applies to actual practice. This new edition also features a very enhanced Evolve resource package, along with new material on boosting your knowledge of nutrition and research - two subjects of growing interest in the massage therapy profession.
Section I: Fundamentals 1. The Body as a Whole 2. Mechanisms of Health and Disease 3. Medical Terminology
Section II: Systems of Control 4. Nervous System Basics and the Central Nervous System 5. Peripheral Nervous System 6. Endocrine System
Section III: Support, Movement, and Biomechanics 7. Skeletal System 8. Joints 9. Muscles 10. Biomechanics Basics
Section IV: Remaining Body Systems 11. Integumentary, Cardiovascular, Lymphatic, and Immune Systems 12. Respiratory, Digestive, Urinary, and Reproductive Systems
Appendix A. Quick Reference Muscle Guide Appendix B. Pathology and Diseases and Indications/Contraindications for Massage Therapy Appendix C. Illustrated Orthopedic Tests
Glossary Works Consulted
Publisher: Elsevier (Mosby)
Publication date: May, 2012
Pages: 736
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Complementary Medicine
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