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MR Enterography
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In recent years, there has been huge interest in developing new methods that offer improved accuracy for the detection of small bowel pathology, and in particular for the assessment of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). Cross-sectional imaging, such as CT and MR, has advantages over traditional barium fluoroscopic techniques in terms of direct visualization of the bowel wall and improved visualization of extraluminal findings and complications. This means a complete change in the diagnostic approach to the patient with IBD: from analysis of the bowel surface to direct evaluation of parietal alterations and assessment of peri and extraintestinal involvement. The ideal imaging test is reproducible, well tolerated by patients and, above all, free of ionizing radiation. MR enterography, currently performed only in a few reference centers, meets these criteria and offers accurate diagnosis, particularly in respect of the wide spectrum of intra and extraintestinal complications of IBD.

This book provides a thorough overview of the indications, techniques, diagnostic advantages and limitations of MR enterography. Particular attention is paid to patient preparation in relation to the particular study type and to the potential advantages of the most up-to-date MR studies in specific cases, e.g., allergy or renal failure. A separate chapter is devoted to MR of perianal region for the detection and staging of perianal fistula, a common complication in patients with Crohn's disease. Numerous high-quality illustrations are included and help to ensure that the book will be a valuable source of information for every radiologist involved in abdominal MR imaging.


Introduction.- Part 1.- Technique.- Enteric Contrast Agents.- Patient's Preparation and Positioning.- Protocols and Sequences.- Spasmolytics.- Intravenous Contrast Agent.- Advanced MR techniques.- Perianal Imaging.- Normal Anatomy.- Normal MR Anatomy of Duodenum and Small Bowel.- Normal MR Anatomy of Sphincters and Perianal Region.- Part 2.- MR Findings In Chron's Disease.- Wall thickening.- Ulcerations.- Increased Vascularity.- Patterns of Wall Enhancement.- Perienteric Inflammation.- Reactive Adenopathy.- Mesenteric Fibro-fatty Proliferation.- Penetrating and Stricturing Patterns in CD.- Extraintestinal Complications.- Hepatobiliary Complications.- Pancreatic complications.- Genitourinary complications.- Musculoskeletal and Cutaneous Manifestation.- Peritoneal Involvement.- Perianal Complications.- Classification of Fistulas.- MRI in Perianal CD.- Other Indications For MRE.


ISBN-13: 9788847056701
Publisher: Springer (Springer Verlag)
Publication date: July, 2014
Pages: 140
Weight: 210g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Gastroenterology, General, Paediatrics and Neonatal, Radiology
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