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MRCP Part 2: 450 BOFs
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Main description:

MRCP PART 2: 450 BOFs offers a wealth of practice questions covering a wide range of topics for trainees preparing for the MRCP Part 2 exam. Presented in a clear layout, chapters are mapped to the syllabus to deliver structured revision in each clinical specialty. Featuring fully descriptive answers and two mock papers, this book provides the essential revision tool to maximise chances of exam success.

450 Best of Five questions reflect the breadth of topics encountered in the actual exam

Includes all question types: clinical scenario-style and data interpretation

Answers illustrated to improve understanding of key concepts

Complements MRCP Part 1: 400 BOFs and MRCP PACES: 250 Clinical Scenarios - the complete MRCP revision package


* Preface

* Foreword

* Exam Revision Advice (providing in-depth advice on how to prepare for the exam, what to expect on the day and how to answer BOFs)

* List of abbreviations

Chapter 1: Cardiology

Chapter 2: Dermatology

Chapter 3: Endocrinology and metabolic medicine

Chapter 4: Gastroenterology

Chapter 5: Haematology/Immunology

Chapter 6: Infectious diseases and GUM

Chapter 7: Neurology/Ophthalmology/Psychiatry

Chapter 8: Oncology and palliative medicine

Chapter 9: Renal medicine

Chapter 10: Respiratory medicine

Chapter 11: Rheumatology

Chapter 12: Therapeutics and toxicology

Chapter 13: Mock Paper 1

Chapter 14: Mock Paper 2


ISBN-13: 9781907816451
Publisher: Jaypee Medical (JP Medical Ltd)
Publication date: June, 2013
Pages: 336
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Diseases and Disorders, Medical Study and Teaching Aids
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