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MRCPsych CASC: 150 Clinical Scenarios
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Main description:

MRCPsych CASC: 150 Clinical Scenarios offers a complete and practical skills guide for trainees preparing for the MRCPsych CASC exam. Presented in a clear layout, chapters cover the full range of psychiatry subspecialties that are likely to be encountered on exam day. Reflecting the latest changes to the exam and featuring a wealth of practice stations, this book provides the essential revision tool to maximise chances of exam success.

Key Points

  • 150 CASC scenarios, covering the breadth of skills and topics tested in the actual exam

  • Features model answers and invaluable suggestions, to impress examiners and achieve the highest marks

  • Addresses every aspect of the exam, including structure, content and marking

  • Edited by experienced Examiner and Consultant, Ashok G Patel

  • Complements MRCPsych Paper 1: MCQs and EMIs, MRCPsych Paper 2: MCQs and EMIs and MRCPsych Paper 3: MCQs and EMIs – the complete MRCPsych revision package




•           Contributors

•           Foreword

•           Preface


SECTION 1:A Guide to Clinical Assessment of Skills and Competencies (CASC)


Chapter 1:       Format of CASC


Chapter 2:       Skills and competencies to be tested in CASC


Chapter 3:       Grade descriptors in CASC


Chapter 4:       Role players as patients, carers and colleagues


Chapter 5:       Areas of concerns for unsuccessful candidates


Chapter 6:       Preparing for and tackling CASC

Trick / distracters / ‘Dos and Don’ts’ / Hidden problems

Possible approach     


Chapter 7:       Competencies tested in particular stations


SECTION 2: Clinical Examination


Chapter 8:       Cognitive assessment


Chapter 9:       Physical examination


SECTION 3: CASC Stations (mapped to the syllabus and covering all aspects of CASC including subspecialties)


Chapter 10:     Stand alone stations 


Chapter 11:     Link stations 


•           Further reading


ISBN-13: 9781907816512
Publisher: Jaypee Medical (JP Medical)
Publication date: January, 2015
Pages: 224
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Medical Study and Teaching Aids, Psychiatry



Ashok G Patel MBBS DPM FRCPsych
Consultant Psychiatrist in General Adult Psychiatry, South Essex Partnership Foundation NHS Trust, Luton

Samir Shah MBBS MRCPsych
Specialty Registrar in General Adult Psychiatry and Medical Leadership Programme, North Western Deanery, Manchester

Madhavan Seshadri MBBS DPM MRCPsych
Specialty Registrar in General Adult Psychiatry, South Essex Partnership Trust, Luton


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