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Mucosal Immunology
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Principles of Mucosal Immunology is designed for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, researchers in immunology and microbiology, and medical and dental students. It presents the basic and clinical aspects of the mucosal immune system, focusing on the major components of the mucosal barrier-the gastrointestinal, upper and lower respiratory, ocular, and genitourinary mucosal immune systems. Topics include the development and structure of the mucosal immune system and its cellular constituents, host-microbe relationships, infection, mucosal diseases, and vaccines. Principles of Mucosal Immunology is sponsored by the Society for Mucosal Immunology and is written by internationally recognized leaders in the field.


I. Development and Structure of Mucosal Tissue 1. Overview of the Mucosal Immune System Structure 2. Phylogeny of the Mucosal Immune System 3. Immunological and Functional Differences Among Individual Compartments of the Mucosal Immune System 4. Secreted Effectors of the Innate Mucosal Barrier II. Cellular Constituents of Mucosal Immune Systems and Their Function in Mucosal Homeostasis 5. Immune Function of Epithelial Cells 6. Intraepithelial Lymphocytes: Unusual T Cells at Epithelial Surfaces 7. Lymphocyte Populations within the Lamina Propria 8. Mucosal B Cells and Their Function 9. Secretory Immunoglobulins and Their Transport 10. Role of Dendritic Cells in Integrating Immune Responses to Lumenal Antigens 11. Intestinal Macrophages in Defense of the Mucosa 12. Mucosal Basophils, Mast Cells, and Eosinophils 13. M Cells and the Follicle-Associated Epithelium 14. Lymphocyte Trafficking from Inductive Sites to Effector Sites 15. Mucosal Tolerance III. Microbial Commensalism 16. Recognition of Microbe-Associated Molecular Patterns by Pattern Recognition Receptors 17. The Commensal Micorbiota and Its Relationship to Homeostasis and Disease IV. Genitourinary Tract 18. The Immune System of the Genitourinary Tract 19. Mucosal Immune Responses to Microbes in the Genitourinary Tract V. Nose, Airways, Oral Cavity, and Eyes 20. Immunobiology of the Nose, Upper Airways, and Oral Cavity 21. Bronchial Associated Lymphoid Tissue and Immune-mediated Respiratory Diseases 22. The Ocular Surface as a Mucosal Immune Site VI. Infectious Diseases of Mucosal Surfaces 23. Mucosal Interactions with Enteropathogenic Bacteria 24. Heliobacter pylori Infection 25. Viral Infections 26. Infection-driven Periodontal Disease 27. Vaccine Strategies for Mucosal Infections VII. Specific Immune-mediated Diseases of Mucosal Surfaces 28. Celiac Disease 29. IgA Nephropathy 30. Mucosal Manifestations of Immunodeficiencies 31. Inflammatory Bowel Disease 32. Food Sensitive and Eosinophilic Enteropathies


ISBN-13: 9780815344438
Publisher: Taylor & Francis (Garland Publishing Inc)
Publication date: May, 2012
Pages: 512
Weight: 1065g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Immunology


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