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What Students Need to Know, Efficiently Organized for Today's Busy Students
The Second Edition of My Health: The MasteringHealth Edition delivers the latest in personal health with tools that help students tackle what they need to know, within their own time constraints. The book's modular organization allows students to focus on learning the core material they need to know, while Learning Outcomes and review questions provide them with immediate feedback on what they've learned and allow them to customize their study plan. Meanwhile, a concise text and a comprehensive supplements package helps students zero in on what they need to know-without the jargon-making personal health courses more rewarding.
The MasteringHealth Edition is designed to work with MasteringHealth to provide students with concrete learning goals, giving instructors an invaluable tool for assessing students' progress. The book builds on the power of MasteringHealth by tying its learning goals to a variety of interactive activities and assets.
Superior support beyond the classroom with MasteringHealth
MasteringHealth is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment product designed to improve results by helping students quickly master concepts. Students benefit from self-paced tutorials that feature immediate wrong-answer feedback and hints that emulate the office-hour experience to help keep students on track. With a wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities, students are encouraged to actively learn and retain tough course concepts.
0133865010 / 9780133865011 My Health: The MasteringHealth Edition Plus MasteringHealth with eText -- Access Card Package:
Package consists of:
0133865649 / 9780133865646 My Health: The MasteringHealth Edition, 2/e
0133979458 / 9780133979459 MasteringHealth with Pearson eText -- ValuePack Access Card -- for My Health: The MasteringHealth Edition
1. Healthy Change
2. Psychosocial Health
3. Stress
4. Relationships and Sexuality
5. Reproductive Choices
6. Addiction and Drug Abuse
7. Alcohol and Tobacco
8. Nutrition
9. Weight Management and Body Image
10. Fitness
11. CVD, Cancer, and Diabetes
12. Infectious Conditions
13. Violence and Unintentional Injuries
14. Environmental Health
15. Consumerism and Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Publisher: Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company, Subs of Addison Wesley Longman, Inc
Publication date: December, 2014
Pages: 500
Dimensions: 216.00 x 100.00 x 100.00
Weight: 100g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: General Practice
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