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Nanotechnology for Chemical and Biological Defense
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Main description:

New and unpredicted technologies are emerging at an unprecedented pace around the world. Communication of those new discoveries is occurring faster than ever, meaning that the unique ownership of a piece of new technology is no longer a sufficient position, if not impossible. In today’s world, recognition of the potential applications of a technology and a sense of purpose in exploiting it are far more important than simply having access to it. Technological surprise has and will continue to take many forms. A plethora of new technologies are under development for peaceful means but may have un- tended security consequences and will certainly require innovative counterme- ures. A relevant example is the tremendous development in biotechnology that has occurred since the advent of recombinant DNA and tissue culture-based processes in the 1970s. If US government agencies and the defense and academic commu- ties had more clearly recognized the potential for biotechnology to affect fun- mental security and warfighting doctrines 20 years ago, the situation today could be very different. Defense against chemical and biological weapons – from both states and nonstate actors – currently presents a threat that is difficult to predict and for which traditional solutions are increasingly less effective. Nanotechnology has emerged as a well-funded discipline that, like biote- nology, carries the potential for groundbreaking applications and the potential for unpredictable harm. The world is likely 20 years away from the full impact of the nanotechnology on defensive capabilities.


Written for all levels, from policy makers to those in the defense industry to first responders, as well as scientists

Provides a research roadmap for the near term and the next 20 years

Based on a scenario approach, with engaging descriptions of possible worlds of the future

Back cover:

The pursuit of the minutely small – nanotechnology – is thriving in academia, in the private sector, and in global state science and technology programs.  This work aims to better enable an informed national debate and to affect international dialogue on the role and impact of nanotechnology and emerging science on national defense and homeland security. Combining original research with the findings of an interdisciplinary, defense-oriented workshop, the book explores the current realities and potential for transformational breakthroughs in nanotechnology-based chemical and biological countermeasures, as well as identifies research directions in basic and applied science. Security implications, both for traditional nonproliferation regimes and for misuse by non-state actors are also considered. This ambitious effort serves manifold objectives, including the following:

• To give policymakers a strategic roadmap to provide a basis for research direction decisions;

• To provide an overview of the current and future challenges, both for military operations and for homeland security applications;

• To provide a survey of potential future proliferation and malfeasant co-option of emerging technologies;

• To discuss organizational structure and management of chemical and biological defense-related research and nanotechnology-related research at the federal level.

• To present means to foster revolutionary technology domestically and highlight international needs for future nanotechnology research, cooperation, and security globally.

Throughout, the emphasis is on revolutionary rather than evolutionary science and technology. This work intentionally straddles between technical disciplines and social sciences making it truly interdisciplinary. Ideas and work from across the experimental and theoretical physical and life sciences and engineering are included and integrated with insights from the social sciences.


Preface.- Scope and Purpose.- Acknowledgements.- Framing the Opportunities and the Challenges.- Responding to a New Threat Environment.- The Changing Nature of Warfare.- The Changing Nature of Technological Progress.- Other Critical Factors.-Implementing the Process.- Scenario-based Planning.- Using Scenarios to Roadmap and Prioritize.- Applying Nanotechnology to Revolutionary CB Countermeasures.- Progress at the Nanoscale.- Physical Protection.- Detection and Diagnostics of Chemical and Biological Agents.- Decontamination.- Medical Countermeasures.- From Capability Needs to Research Priorities.- Potential Malfeasant Co-Option Of Nanotechnology.- Novel Nanotechnology-enabled Biochemical Weapons.- Nanoparticles with Toxic or Deleterious Health Effects.- Bio- and Nanoenabled Influence Operations.- Nanotechnology-enabled Evasion of Medical Countermeasures.- Self-Assembled Materials and Devices, and Potential Molecular Assemblers.- Strategic Research Priorities and Directions.- Structure and Function of Nanomaterials.- Systems Biology.- The Interface with Biological Systems: 'Bridging the Bio and Nano Worlds' .- Self-Assembly, in vivo and in vitro.- Modeling and Simulation.- Power and Energy.- Systems Integration and Engineering.- Translational Medicine.- The Need to Foster Revolutionary Science.- Evolving Threats and Driving Forces.- The Need for Strategic Vision.- Fostering Breakthrough Discoveries.- Challenges in Coordination of CB Defense Research.- Looking Forward.- Appendices.- Appendix A Roles and Missions of Chemical and Biological Defense Organizations.-Appendix B. Attendees at the Workshop on Nanotechnology for Chemical and Biological Defense.- Appendix C. Agenda for the Workshop on Nanotechnology for Chemical and Biological Defense.- Appendix D. Acronyms and Abbreviations.- Index.


ISBN-13: 9781441900616
Publisher: Springer (Springer New York)
Publication date: June, 2009
Pages: 158
Weight: 458g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Biomedical Engineering, General Issues
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