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Netter's Concise Radiologic Anatomy
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Main description:

Designed to make learning more interesting and clinically meaningful, this new resource matches radiologic images-including advanced reconstructions-to the exquisite artwork of master medical illustrator Frank H. Netter, MD. In contrast to all other anatomic/radiologic atlases available, Netter's Concise Radiologic Anatomy begins with the anatomy and matches radiologic images to the anatomic images that are indelibly etched in the minds of those who refer to Netter's Atlas of Human Anatomy on a daily basis. Concise text enables you to quickly and conveniently access the key anatomic and radiologic knowledge associated with the images. Organized and color-coded in the same manner as Netter's Atlas of Human Anatomy, it's a perfect companion guide to the Atlas-and a perfect guide for understanding the clinical context of normal anatomy.


Section I: Head and Neck

1. Skull, Basal View
2. Skull, Interior View
3. Upper Neck, Lower Head Osteology
4. Axis (C2)
5. Cervical Spine, Posterior View
6. Cervical Spondylosis
7. Vertebral, Artery, Neck
8. Vertebral Artery, Atlas
9. Craniovertebral Ligaments
10. Neck Muscles, Lateral View
11. Neck Muscles, Anterior view
12. Scalene and Prevertebral Muscles
13. Right Subclavian Artery, Origin
14. Carotid Artery System
15. Neck, Axial Section at Thryoid Gland
16. Nasal Conchae
17. Nasal Septum, Components
18. Nasal Septum, Hard and Soft Palate
19. Pterygopalatine Fossa
20. Nose and Paranasal Sinuses
21. Olfactory Bulbs
22. Ethmoid Air Cells and Sphenoid Sinus
23. Maxillary Sinus
24. Floor of Mouth
25. Facial Muscles
26. Temporomandibular Joint
27. Pterygoid Muscles
28. Tongue and Oral Cavity
29. Tongue, Coronal Section
30. Parotid and Submandibular Salivary Glands
31. Submandibular and Sublingual Salivary Glands
32. Pharynx, Median Sagittal Section
33. Carotid Arteries in the Neck
34. Thyroid Gland and Major Neck Vessels
35. Larynx
36. Nasolacrimal Duct
37. Orbit, Coronal Section
38. Orbit, Lateral View
39. Orbit, Superior Oblique Muscle and Tendon
40. Orbit, Superior View
41. Inner Ear
42. Facial Nerve in Canal
43. Tympanic Cavity (Middle Ear)
44. Bony Labyrinth
45. Superior Sagittal Sinus
46. Cerebral Venous Sinuses
47. Cavernous Sinus
48. Cerebral Venous System
49. Cerebral Cortex and Basal Ganglia, Axial Section
50. Cranial Nerves IX, X, XI
51. Brainstem, Midsaggital View
52. Optic Pathway
53. Vestibulocochlear Nerve (VIII)
54. Hypoglossal Nerve and Canal
55. Cervicothoracic (Stellate) Ganglion
56. Brain, Arterial Supply
57. Arteries of the Brain
58. Pituitary Gland

Section II: Back and Spinal Cord

59. Thoracic Spine
60. Lumbar Vertebrae
61. Structure of Lumbar Vertebrae
62. Lumbar Spine
63. Sacrum
64. Vertebral Ligaments
65. Ligamentum Flavus
66. Spinal Nerves, Lumbar
67. Spinal Cord, Nerve Roots
68. Conus Medullaris and Cauda Equina
69. Intercostal Vessels and Nerve, Posterior
70. Vertebral Venous Plexuses
71. Back, Lower Paraspinal Muscles
72. Deep Muscles of the Back
73. Semispinalis Capitis
74. Suboccipital Triangle
75. Lumbar Region, Cross Section

Section III: Thorax

76. Breast, Lateral View
77. Lymph Nodes of the Axilla
78. Anterior Chest Wall
79. Chest Wall Musculature
80. Costovertebral and Costotransverse Joints
81. Internal Thoracic Artery, Anterior Chest Wall
82. Diaphragm
83. Left Lung, Medial View
84. Right Lung, Lateral View
85. Lung, Segmental Bronchi
86. Mediastinum, Major Vessels
87. Lung, Lymph Drainage
88. Thoracic Duct
89. Heart Chambers
90. Branches of the Arch of Aorta
91. Heart, Posterior View
92. Coronary Vessels, Anterior View
93. Left side of the Heart
94. Aortic Valve
95. Umbilical Cord
96. Ductus Ateriosus and Ligamentum Arteriosum
97. Posterior Mediastinum
98. Mediastinum, Right Lateral View
99. Mediastinum, Left Lateral View with Pseudoaneurysm
100. Thoracic Esophagus
101. Esophagogastric Junction
102. Azygos and Hemiazygos Veins
103. Pericardium, Mediastinum Section

Section IV: Abdomen

104. Rectus Abdominis
105. Anterior Abdominal Wall Muscles
106. Abdominal Wall, Superficial View
107. Inguinal Region
108. Quadratus Lumborum
109. Psoas Major
110. Kidneys, Normal and Transplanted
111. Abdominal Regions
112. Appendix
113. Abdomen, Upper Viscera
114. Omental Bursa, Oblique Sections
115. Stomach in Situ
116. Stomach Mucosa
117. Duodenum and Pancreas
118. Liver, Vascular System
119. Bile and Pancreatic Ducts
120. Spleen, In Situ
121. Porta Hepatis and Greater Omentum
122. Porta Hepatis
123. Celiac Trunk, Normal and Variant
124. Arteries of the Small Bowel
125. Marginal Artery (of Drummond)
126. Veins of the Small Bowel
127. Chyle Cistern
128. Mesenteric Lymph Nodes
129. Celiac Plexus
130. Supraneal (Adrenal) Glands and Kidneys
131. Kidneys and Abdominal Aorta
132. Renal Arteries, Variation (Multiple)
133. Renal Pelvis
134. Ureter, Pelvis Aspect
135. Kidneys and Ureters
136. Kidneys and Associated Vessels
137. Kidney, Oblique Sagittal Section
138. Abdominal Viscera, Parasaggital Section

Section V: Pelvis and Perineum

139. Pelvis
140. Female Pelvis, Round Ligament and Ovary
141. Female Pelvic Viscera, Saggital View
142. Bulb of Penis, Coronal Section
143. Uterus and Uterine Tube
144. Uterus and Adnexa
145. Female Perineum
146. Penis, Cross Section
147. Bladder, Prostate and Seminal Vesicles
148. Prostate, Coronal View
149. Testis and Epidydymus
150. Ischioanal Fossa
151. Anal Musculature
152. Male Perineum
153. Ureters
154. Common, Internal and External Iliac Arteries
155. Inguinal Lymph Nodes

Section VI: Upper Limb

156. Anterior View of the Shoulder Girdle
157. Shoulder Joint, Glenoid Fossa
158. Shoulder Joint, Supraspinatus Muscle
159. Shoulder Joint, Biceps Tendon
160. Shoulder Joint, Anterior and Sagittal Views
161. Quadrangular and Triangular Spaces
162. Subscapularis
163. Axillary Artery
164. Axillary Region
165. Pectoralis Major
166. Brachial Plexus
167. Biceps and Brachialis Insertions
168. Elbow, Anterior Perspective
169. Elbow, Lateral View
170. Elbow, Ulnar Nerve
171. Elbow, Cubital Tunnel
172. Bones of Forearm
173. Radius and Ulna
174. Forearm, Lateral Musculature
175. Forearm, Medial Musculature
176. Extensor Muscles of the Wrist
177. Flexor Muscles of the Wrist
178. Carpal Bones
179. Wrist, Osteology and Joint
180. Wrist, Palmar Ligaments
181. Wrist, Dorsal Ligaments
182. Wrist, Carpal Tunnel (1)
183. Wrist, Carpal Tunnel (2)
184. Wrist, Ulnar Nerve
185. Bones of the Hand and Wrist
186. Metacarpophalangeal Joints
187. Hand, Axial Section
188. Interphalangeal Joints

Section VII: Lower Limb

189. Saphenous Veins
190. Arteries of the Lower Limb
191. Hip Joint
192. Vasculature of the Femoral Head
193. Illiopectineal Bursa
194. Quadriceps Femoris Muscle Group
195. Deep Anterior Thigh Region
196. Deep Hip Muscles
197. Sciatic Nerve
198. Sciatic Nerve, Gluteal Region
199. Gluteal Region
200. Thigh, Axial Sections
201. Knee Joint, Superior View
202. Knee Joint, Anterior View
203. Knee Joint, Lateral View
204. Cruciate Ligaments
205. Achilles' Tendon
206. Common Fibular (Peroneal) Nerve
207. Foot Osteology, Lateral View
208. Foot Osteology, Medial View
209. Ankle Joint Muscles, Lateral View
210. Tarsal Tunnel
211. Deltoid Ligament
212. Plantar Aponeurosis
213. Muscles of the Plantar Foot, Second Layer


ISBN-13: 9781416056195
Publisher: Elsevier (Saunders)
Publication date: July, 2008
Pages: 512
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Anatomy, Radiology
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