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Neural Repair
Methods and Protocols
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This detailed collection explores a diverse range of topics related to neural repair and functional recovery following ischemic stroke. Techniques detailed in this book span from basic to emerging approaches used to evaluate hallmarks of neurorepair, including axonal remodeling and dendritic arborization, plasticity and functional connectivity, angiogenesis, neuroinflammation, and recovering cerebral blood flow. In addition, several chapters focus on rodent stroke models and post-stroke functional evaluation, clinically-relevant therapeutic paradigms and co-morbidities, pharmacotherapy and methods of delivery. Written for the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step and readily reproducible laboratory protocols, as well as tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.
Authoritative and practical, Neural Repair: Methods and Protocols serves as an ideal guide for the wide community of researchers interested in neurorepair following stroke and other forms of CNS injury.


Part I: Stroke Models and Surgical Interventions

1. Rodent Stroke Models to Study Functional Recovery and Neural Repair

Daimen R.S. Britsch, Nausheen Syeara, Ann M. Stowe, and Vardan T. Karamyan

2. Subcortical White Matter Stroke in the Mouse: Inducing Injury and Tracking Cellular Proliferation

Miguel Alejandro Marin, Amy J. Gleichman, Andrew J. Brumm, and S. Thomas Carmichael

3. A Low Budget Photothrombotic Rodent Stroke Model

Faisal F. Alamri, Serob T. Karamyan, and Vardan T. Karamyan

4. Photothrombotic Model to Create an Infarct in the Hippocampus

Elena Blanco-Suarez

5. Bilateral Carotid Artery Stenosis and Cerebral Blood Flow Outcomes

Ifechukwude Joachim Biose and Gregory Jaye Bix

6. Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis: A Surgical Mouse Model to Study Moyamoya Syndrome

Jill M. Roberts and Justin F. Fraser

7. Modeling Distal Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion in Neonatal Rodents with Magnetic Nanoparticles or Magnetized Red Blood Cells

Jie-Min Jia and Yuxiao Jin

Part II: In Vivo and Post-Mortem Imaging of Mechanisms of Recovery

8. In Vivo Imaging of the Structural Plasticity of Cortical Neurons after Stroke

Emilia Conti, Francesco Saverio Pavone, and Anna Letizia Allegra Mascaro

9. Measurement of Uninterrupted Cerebral Blood Flow by Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging (LSCI) during the Mouse Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion Model by an Inverted LSCI Setup

Sung-Ha Hong, Andrea Doan, and Sean P. Marrelli

10. Multi-Exposure Speckle Imaging for Quantitative Evaluation of Cortical Blood Flow

Adam Santorelli, Colin T. Sullender, and Andrew K. Dunn

11. Wide-Field Optical Imaging in Mouse Models of Ischemic Stroke

Jonah A. Padawer-Curry, Ryan M. Bowen, Anmol Jarang, Xiaodan Wang, Jin-Moo Lee, and Adam Q. Bauer

12. Post-Mortem Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Degenerating and Reorganizing White Matter in Post-Stroke Rodent Brain

Vera H. Wielenga, Rick M. Dijkhuizen, and Annette Van der Toorn

Part III: Methods to Identify Molecular and Immune Mechanisms Supporting Recovery

13. Quantitative Spatial Mapping of Axons across Cortical Regions to Assess Axonal Sprouting after Stroke

Mary T. Joy, Samuel P. Bridges, and S. Thomas Carmichael

14. Quantitative Evaluation of Cerebral Microhemorrhages in the Mouse Brain

Rudy Chang and Rachita K. Sumbria

15. In Vivo Evaluation of BBB Integrity in the Post-Stroke Brain

Yong Zhang, Saeideh Nozohouri, and Thomas J. Abbruscato

16. High Resolution RNA Sequencing from PFA-Fixed Microscopy Sections

Hao Ji, Simon Besson-Girard, Peter Androvic, Buket Bulut, Lu Liu, Yijing Wang, and Ozgun Gokce

17. FACS to Identify Immune Subsets in Mouse Brain and Spleen

Mary K. Malone, Thomas A. Ujas, Katherine M. Cotter, Daimen Britsch, Jenny Lutshumba, Jadwiga-Turchan-Cholewo, and Ann M. Stowe

18. A Guide on Analyzing Flow Cytometry Data Using Clustering Methods and Non-Linear Dimensionality Reduction (tSNE or UMAP)

Thomas A. Ujas, Veronica Obregon-Perko, and Ann M. Stowe

19. Co-Culturing Immune Cells and Mouse-Derived Mixed Cortical Cultures with Oxygen-Glucose Deprivation to In Vitro Simulate Neuroinflammatory Interactions after Stroke

Thomas A. Ujas, Vanessa O. Torres, and Ann M. Stowe

Part IV: Behavioral Methods for Quantifying Functional Recovery

20. Assessing Depression and Cognitive Impairment Following Stroke and Neurotrauma: Behavioral Methods for Quantifying Impairment and Functional Recovery

Karienn A. de Souza, Michelle Hook, and Farida Sohrabji

21. Use of an Automated Mouse Touchscreen Platform for Quantification of Cognitive Deficits after Central Nervous System Injury

Katherine M. Cotter, Grace L. Bancroft, Harley A. Haas, Raymon Shi, Andrew N. Clarkson, Matthew E. Croxall, Ann M. Stowe, Sanghee Yun, and Amelia J. Eisch

22. Using Operant Reach Chambers to Assess Mouse Skilled Forelimb Use after Stroke

Dene M. Betz, April M. Becker, Katherine M. Cotter, Andrew M. Sloan, Ann M. Stowe, and Mark P. Goldberg

23. The Finer Aspects of Grid-Walking and Cylinder Tests for Experimental Stroke Recovery Studies in Mice

Nausheen Syeara, Sounak Bagchi, Abdullah Al Shoyaib, Serob T. Karamyan, Faisal F. Alamri, and Vardan T. Karamyan

24. Performing Enriched Environment Studies to Improve Functional Recovery

Daniela Talhada and Karsten Ruscher

Part V: Neurotherapeutics and Functional Recovery

25. Clinically-Applicable Experimental Design and Considerations for Stroke Recovery Preclinical Studies

Vardan T. Karamyan

26. Hydrogels and Nanoscaffolds for Long-Term Intraparenchymal Therapeutic Delivery after Stroke

Mozammel H. Bhuiyan, Josh Houlton, and Andrew N. Clarkson

27. Reverse Translation to Develop Post-Stroke Therapeutic Interventions during Mechanical Thrombectomy: Lessons from the BACTRAC Trial

Benton Maglinger, Jacqueline A. Frank, Justin F. Fraser, and Keith R. Pennypacker

28. Methods to Study Drug Uptake at the Blood-Brain Barrier Following Experimental Ischemic Stroke: In Vitro and In Vivo Approaches

Robert D. Betterton, Erica I. Williams, Kelsy L. Nilles, Thomas P. Davis, and Patrick T. Ronaldson

29. Gene Silencing in the Brain with siRNA to Promote Long-Term Post-Stroke Recovery

Bharath Chelluboina and Raghu Vemuganti

Part VI: Models of Comorbidities

30. Diabetic Rodent Models for Chronic Stroke Studies

Lea Julie Dalco and Kunjan R. Dave

31. Use of Conventional Cigarette Smoking and E-Cigarette Vaping for Experimental Stroke Studies in Mice

Salvatore Mancuso, Aditya Bhalerao, and Luca Cucullo

32. Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion in Aged Animal Model

Grant W. Goodman, Justin N. Nguyen, Frank W. Blixt, Michael E. Maniskas, Louise D. McCullough, and Anjali Chauhan

33. Acute Ischemic Stroke by Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion in Rat Models of Diabetes: Importance of Pre-Op and Post-Op Care, Severity of Hyperglycemia, and Sex

Weiguo Li, Yasir Abdul, and Adviye Ergul

34. The DOCA-Salt Model of Hypertension for Studies of Cerebrovascular Function, Stroke, and Brain Health

T. Michael De Silva and Frank M. Faraci


ISBN-13: 9781071629253
Publisher: Springer (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.)
Publication date: January, 2023
Pages: None
Weight: 1143g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Neurology, Neuroscience


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