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Main description:
As the role of the Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) expands in the area of intervention approaches for neurological rehabilitation, the Second Edition of Neurorehabilitation for the Physical Therapist Assistant offers a timely update to reflect these emerging changes.
Inside Neurorehabilitation for the Physical Therapist Assistant, Second Edition Dr. Darcy Umphred and Dr. Rolando Lazaro include a more comprehensive explanation and discussion of intervention techniques used in both pediatric and adult patient populations. Also included is a more thorough discussion of examination tools and their application because of the growing need for the PTA to identify the progress of the intervention using the tools from the initial examination and to complete the discharge examination.
Faculty will welcome the new and expanded instructor's materials for the classroom that include an online video library illustrating selected examination tools and intervention approaches. In this Second Edition, there are several video clips with Dr. Umphred demonstrating several clinical techniques that can enhance PTA practice. Additionally, an expanded study guide that provides case studies and Q&A for each chapter can be found on www.efacultylounge.com.
Neurorehabilitation for the Physical Therapist Assistant, Second Edition now includes a new chapter on documentation to help the PTA develop the skills necessary for clear record keeping as well as ensuring optimal patient care and reimbursement for services provided.
A clear delineation of the differences between the frameworks used by medical practitioners, those used by the PT, and those directly related to the PTA
Detailed descriptions of interventions, tests, and measures used by the PTA
Access to a website that includes an online video library and case studies, with new book purchase.
A focus on interactions between types of movement dysfunctions and intervention selection
Neurorehabilitation for the Physical Therapist Assistant, Second Edition is the perfect resource for any physical therapist assistant faculty, student, or clinician interested in the physical therapy management of individuals with various types of neurological conditions.
About the Editors
Contributing Authors
Chapter 1 Introduction to Neurorehabilitation for the Physical Therapist Assistant - Rolando T. Lazaro, PT, PhD, DPT, MS, GCS; Nelson Marquez, PT, EdD; - Darcy A. Umphred, PT, PhD, FAPTA; and Dennis Klima, PT, MS, PhD, GCS, NCS
Chapter 2 Normal Movement Development Across the Lifespan - Dale Scalise-Smith, PT, PhD
Chapter 3 Motor Control, Motor Learning, and Neuroplasticity - Darcy A. Umphred, PT, PhD, FAPTA and Fritzie Arce, PT, PhD
Chapter 4 Intervention Procedures - Sharon L. Gorman, PT, DPTSc, GCS and Darcy A. Umphred, PT, PhD, FAPTA
Chapter 5 Examination Procedures - Patricia Harris, PT, MS and Lisa Ferrin, PTA, AS
Chapter 6 Psychosocial and Cognitive Issues Affecting Therapy - Gordon U. Burton, OT/L, PhD
Chapter 7 Documentation in Neurorehabilitation - Shannon Ryals, PTA
Chapter 8 Children With Central Nervous System Insult - Kristine N. Corn, PT, MS, DPT and Cynthia J. Hogan, PTA
Chapter 9 Clients With Genetic and Developmental Problems - Esmerita Roceles Rotor, PT, MAEd, PTRP; Darcy A. Umphred, PT, PhD, FAPTA; - Eunice Shen, PT, PhD, DPT, PCS; and Barbara H. Connolly, PT, DPT, EdD, C/NDT, FAPTA
Chapter 10 Clients With Spinal Cord Injury - Bret Kennedy, PT, DPT; Kelly Ryujin, PT, DPT; and Claire E. Beekman, PT, MS, NCS
Chapter 11 Clients With Traumatic Brain Injury - Dennis Klima, PT, MS, PhD, GCS, NCS
Chapter 12 Clients With Stroke - Becky S. McKnight, PT, MS and James M. Smith, PT, DPT, MA
Chapter 13 Clients With Degenerative Diseases: Parkinson's Disease, - Multiple Sclerosis, and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - Rolando T. Lazaro, PT, PhD, DPT, MS, GCS and Amanda A. Forster, PT, DPT, NCS
Chapter 14 Cardiopulmonary Issues Associated With Patients - Undergoing Neurorehabilitation - Ronald De Vera Barredo, PT, DPT, EdD, GCS
Chapter 15 Complementary Therapies or Integrative Health Care - Carol Davis, PT, DPT, EdD, MS, FAPTA and Megan E. Petrosky, PT, DPT
Financial Disclosures - Index
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: December, 2013
Pages: 464
Weight: 652g
Availability: Contact supplier
Subcategories: Neurology, Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation