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Main description:
It seems as though each day more children are diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ADHD causes challenges not only for the patient but also for their parents, siblings, teachers, and other significant people in their lives. They have an increased vulnerability to addiction and crime. Controversially, stimulants are the primary choice for treatment of ADHD in medical management, and the side effects of this long-term pharmacological management has raised many questions. Psychosocial management including parent training, behavior therapy, and educational inputs are also major components of treatment and should not be ignored. Thus, it is vital to explore the latest best practices for the diagnosis, assessment, and management of ADHD. New Developments in Diagnosing, Assessing, and Treating ADHD is a collection of research on innovations in the management of ADHD. While highlighting topics including adolescent care, neurological disorders, and mental health, this book is ideally designed for academicians, clinicians (especially psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, and pediatricians), social workers, psychiatric nurses, rehabilitation centers, researchers, and students interested in the handling of this disorder and the long-term effects and social risk factors associated with treatment.
Publisher: Business Science Reference
Publication date: August, 2020
Pages: 448
Weight: 652g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Psychology