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Occupational Asthma
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Recent developments in occupational asthma research and clinical practice are the focus of this publication. It discusses the contribution of occupational exposures to chemical and biological agents to the burden of asthma in adults, powerful approaches like the use of apprentices studies, which include young individuals, naive with regard to occupational exposures, and diagnostic criteria for work related and work aggravated asthma. Specific emphasis is given to exposure response relationships for allergen exposure, large gene-environment studies and whole genome screening approaches. Management, prevention and surveillance are covered as well. Diagnostic rules are introduced to rationalize the diagnostic workup and improve the cost benefit of surveillance schemes. Issues in the design of population studies are discussed to assist the readers in designing and conducting their own study. This comprehensive volume presents new developments changing the occupational asthma field in the coming years.


Contents: The history of research on asthma in the workplace.- Epidemiology and risk factors of occupational respiratory asthma and occupational sensitization.- Epidemiology of laboratory animal allergy.- Population-attributable fraction for occupation and asthma.- Definition and diagnosis of occupational asthma.- Work-exacerbated asthma.- Natural history and prognosis.- Mechanisms of allergic occupational asthma.- Mechanisms of occupational asthma caused by low molecular weight (LMW) chemicals.- Asthma-like diseases in agriculture.- Allergen and irritant exposure and exposure-response relationships.- Gene-environment interactions in occupational asthma.- Asthma in apprentice workers.- Management of an individual worker with occupational asthma.- Social consequences and quality of life in work-related asthma.- Prevention of work-related asthma seen from the workplace and the public health perspective.- Prevention and regulatory aspects of exposure to asthmagens in the workplace.- Design, conduct and analysis of surveys on work-related asthma


ISBN-13: 9783764385552
Publisher: Springer (Birkhauser Verlag AG)
Publication date: April, 2010
Pages: 350
Weight: 775g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: General Issues, Immunology, Pharmacology, Respiratory Medicine
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