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Oxford Textbook of Global Public Health
Series: Oxford Textbook
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The Oxford Textbook of Global Public Health is the ultimate resource on the subject of public health and epidemiology. The sixth edition has been thoroughly revised and updated, offering a global and comprehensive perspective on wide ranging public health needs and priorities in modern health care.

The sixth edition retains its approach of dividing the complex, dynamic subject of public health into three topics. 'The Scope of Public Health' discusses the development of the discipline, determinants of health and disease, public health policies, and law and ethics. Next, the textbook focuses on 'The Methods of Public Health', including the main science behind the discipline - epidemiology. Finally, 'The Practice of Public Health', examines specific public health problems and the options for
prevention and control. As well as identifying these issues by system or disease, there is also an awareness of the unique needs of particular population groups.

New topics in this edition include: Climate change, genetic testing and epidemiology; new methods for measuring the burden of disease; life course approaches to epidemiology, behavioural economics; and physical activity, health and wellbeing.

Two new editors, Quarraisha Abdool Karim (South Africa) and Chorh Chuan Tan (Singapore), join the established editor team of Roger Detels (USA), and Martin Gulliford (UK), representing a truly global outlook. The contributors are experts who have been drawn from around the world, offering perspectives from vastly different health systems with ranging public health needs and priorities.

The Oxford Textbook of Global Public Health remains the most comprehensive, accessible text in the field, and is an essential reference for students and practitioners in public health and epidemiology.


Section 1 The development of the discipline of public health
1.1: Roger Detels and Chorh Chuan Tan: The scope and concerns of public health
1.2: Christopher Hamlin: The history and development of public health in developed countries
1.3: Than Sein: The history and development of public health in low- and middle-income countries
1.4: Kai Hong Phua, Mui-Teng Yap, Sara Schwanke Khilji, and Hin-Peng Lee: Development of public health in economic transition: the middle-income countries
1.5: Kelley Lee: Globalization
Section 2 Determinants of health and disease
2.1: Justin Remais and Richard Jackson: Determinants of health: overview
2.2: Ronald Labonte, Frances Baum, and David Sanders: Poverty, justice, and health
2.3: Johan P. Mackenbach: Socioeconomic inequalities in health in high-income countries: the facts and the options
2.4: Hoosen Coovadia and Irwin Friedman: Reducing health inequalities in developing countries
2.5: Vural OEzdemir, Wylie Burke, Muin J. Khoury, Bartha M. Knoppers, and Ron Zimmern: Genomics and public health
2.6: Thomas Clasen: Water and sanitation
2.7: Prakash S. Shetty: Food and nutrition
2.8: Alistair Woodward and Alex Macmillan: The environment and climate change
2.9: Lawrence W. Green, Robert A. Hiatt, and Kristin S. Hoeft: Behavioural determinants of health and disease
2.10: Martin Gulliford: Access to healthcare and population health
Section 3 Public health policies, law, and ethics
3.1: Manuel M. Dayrit and Maia Ambegaokar: Leadership in public health
3.2: Nancy Kass, Amy Paul, and Andrew Siegel OUP: Ethical principles and ethical issues in public health
3.3: Paul Hunt, Gunilla Backman, Judith Bueno de Mesquita, Louise Finer, Rajat Khosla, Dragana Korljan, and Lisa Oldring: The right to the highest attainable standard of health
3.4: Lawrence Gostin: Law and the public's health
3.5: Peter Littlejohns, Sarah Clark, and Albert Weale: Priority setting, social values, and public health
3.6: Miguel Angel Gonzalez-Block, Adetokunbo Lucas, Octavio Gomez-Dantes, and Julio Frenk: Health policy in developing countries
3.7: John Powles: Public health policy in developed countries
3.8: Douglas Bettcher, Katherine DeLand, Gemma Lien, Fernando Gonzalez-Martinez, Anne Huvos, Steven Solomon, Ulrike Schwerdtfeger, Haik Nikogosian, Angelika Tritscher, and Julia Dalzell: International efforts to promote public health
Section 4 Information systems and sources of intelligence
4.1: Tjeerd-Pieter van Staa and Liam Smeeth: Information systems in support of public health in high-income countries
4.2: Peter Cherutich and Ruth Nduati: Information systems and community diagnosis in low- and middle-income countries
4.3: Mohan J. Dutta: New communication technologies, social media, and public health
Section 5 Epidemiological and biostatistical approaches
5.1: Roger Detels: Epidemiology: the foundation of public health
5.2: Ana V. Diez Roux: Ecological variables, ecological studies, and multilevel studies in public health research
5.3: Manolis Kogevinas and Leda Chatzi: Cross-sectional studies
5.4: Kumnuan Ungchusak and Sopon Iamsirithaworn: Principles of outbreak investigation
5.5: Noel S. Weiss: Case-control studies
5.6: Alvaro Munoz and F. Javier Nieto: Cohort studies
5.7: Lawrence M. Friedman and Eleanor B. Schron: Methodology of intervention trials in individuals
5.8: Allan Donner: Methodological issues in the design and analysis of community intervention trials
5.9: John W. Farquhar and Lawrence W. Green: Community intervention trials in high-income countries
5.10: Sheena G. Sullivan and Zunyou Wu: Community-based intervention trials in low- and middle-income countries
5.11: Vivian A. Welch, Kevin Pottie, Tomas Pantoja, Andrea C. Tricco, and Peter Tugwell: Clinical epidemiology
5.12: Elizabeth H. Young and Manjinder S. Sandhu: Genetic epidemiology
5.13: Sander Greenland and Tyler VanderWeele: Validity and bias in epidemiological research
5.14: Katherine J. Hoggatt, Sander Greenland, and Tyler VanderWeele: Causation and causal inference
5.15: Jimmy Volmink and Mike Clarke: Systematic reviews and meta-analysis
5.16: Gail Williams: Statistical methods
5.17: Theo Vos and Christopher J.L. Murray: Measuring the health of populations: the Global Burden of Disease study methods
5.18: Alex Welte, Brian Williams, and Gavin Hitchcock: Mathematical models of transmission and control of infectious agents
5.19: James W. Buehler and Ann Marie Kimball: Public health surveillance
5.20: Diana Kuh, Yoav Ben-Shlomo, Kate Tilling, and Rebecca Hardy: Life course epidemiology and analysis
Section 6 Social science techniques
6.1: Stella R. Quah: Sociology and psychology in public health
6.2: Richard Parker, Jonathan Garcia, Miguel Munoz-Laboy, Marni Sommer, and Patrick Wilson: Sexuality and public health
6.3: Emily Grundy and Michael Murphy: Demography and public health
6.4: Simon Carroll and Marcia Hills: Health promotion, health education, and the public's health
6.5: Rona Campbell and Chris Bonell: Development and evaluation of complex multicomponent interventions in public health
6.6: David Parkin, Stephen Morris, and Nancy Devlin: Economic appraisal in public healthcare: assessing efficiency and equity
6.7: Judd B. Kessler and C. Yiwei Zhang: Behavioural economics and health
6.8: Eng-kiong Yeoh: Governance and management of public health programmes
6.9: Kedar S. Mate, Theodore Svoronos, and Dan W. Fitzgerald: Implementation science and translational public health
Section 7 Environmental and occupational health sciences
7.1: Chien-Jen Chen: Environmental health issues in public health
7.2: Leeka Kheifets, Adele Green, and Richard Wakeford: Radiation and public health
7.3: John Gulliver and Kees de Hoogh: Environmental exposure assessment: modelling air pollution concentrations
7.4: David Koh and Tar-Ching Aw: Occupational health
7.5: David Koh, Tar-Ching Aw, and Bernard D. Goldstein: Toxicology and risk assessment in the analysis and management of environmental risk
7.6: Baruch Fischhoff: Risk perception and communication
Section 8 Major health problems
8.1: Nathan D. Wong: Epidemiology and prevention of cardiovascular disease
8.2: Zuo-Feng Zhang, Paolo Boffetta, Alfred I. Neugut, and Carlo La Vecchia: Cancer epidemiology and public health
8.3: v Jeroen Douwes, Marike Boezen, Collin Brooks, and Neil Pearce: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma
8.4: W. P. T. James and Tim Marsh: Obesity
8.5: Nasiha Soofie and Roger Detels: Physical activity and health
8.6: Nigel Unwin and Jonathan Shaw: Diabetes mellitus
8.7: Kristian Wahlbeck and Danuta Wasserman: Public mental health and suicide
8.8: Peter G. Robinson and Zoe Marshman: Dental public health
8.9: Lope H. Barrero and Alberto Caban-Martinez: Musculoskeletal disorders
8.10: Walter A. Kukull and James Bowen: Neurological diseases, epidemiology, and public health
8.11: Davidson H. Hamer and Zulfiqar Ahmed Bhutta: Infectious diseases and prions
8.12: Mary L. Kamb and Patricia J. Garcia: Sexually transmitted infections
8.13: Sten H. Vermund and Suniti Solomon: HIV/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
8.14: David W. Dowdy, Richard E. Chaisson, and Gavin J. Churchyard: Tuberculosis
8.15: Frank Sorvillo, Shira Shafir, and Benjamin Bristow: Malaria
8.16: Pierre Van Damme, Tinne Lernout, Koen Van Herck, Rui T. Marinho, Raymundo Parana, and Daniel Shouval: Chronic hepatitis and other liver disease
8.17: David L. Heymann and Vernon J. M. Lee: Emerging and re-emerging infections
8.18: Nicholas S. Kelley and Michael T. Osterholm: Bioterrorism
Section 9 Prevention and control of public health hazards
9.1: Tai Hing Lam and Sai Yin Ho: Tobacco
9.2: Don Des Jarlais, Jonathan Feelemyer, and Deborah Hassin: Public health aspects of illicit psychoactive drug use
9.3: Robin Room: Alcohol
9.4: Corinne Peek-Asa and Adnan Hyder: Injury prevention and control: the public health approach
9.5: Rachel Jewkes: Interpersonal violence: a recent public health mandate
9.6: Barry S. Levy and Victor W. Sidel: Collective violence: war
9.7: Mark R. Montgomery: Urban health in low- and middle-income countries
Section 10 Public health needs of population groups
10.1: Gavin W. Jones: The changing family
10.2: Sarah Payne and Lesley Doyal: Women, men, and health
10.3: Cynthia Boschi-Pinto, Nigel Rollins, Bernadette Daelmans, Rajiv Bahl, Jose Martines, and Elizabeth Mason: Child health
10.4: Pierre-Andre Michaud, Anne-Emmanuelle Ambresin, Richard F. Catalano, Judith Diers, and Georges C. Patton: Adolescent health
10.5: Raj Bhopal: Ethnicity, race, epidemiology, and public health
10.6: Ian Anderson and Sue Crengle: The health of indigenous peoples
10.7: Donald J. Lollar and Elena M. Andresen: People with disabilities
10.8: Julie E. Byles and Meredith Tavener: Health of older people
10.9: Catherine R. Bateman Steel and Anthony B. Zwi: Forced migrants and other displaced populations
10.10: Ernest Drucker: Prisons: from punishment to public health
Section 11 Public health functions
11.1: Michael P. Kelly, Jane E. Powell, and Natalie Bartle: Health needs assessment
11.2: K. Srinath Reddy: Prevention and control of non-communicable diseases
11.3: Robert J. Kim-Farley: Principles of infectious disease control
11.4: Allison Streetly and Lars Elhers: Population screening and public health
11.5: Yasmin E.R. von Schirnding: Environmental health practice
11.6: Sian Griffiths: Strategies and structures for public health intervention
11.7: Chien Earn Lee: Strategies for health services
11.8: Vonthanak Saphonn, San Hone, and Roger Detels: Training of public health professionals in developing countries
11.9: Piya Hanvoravongchai and Suwit Wibulpolprasert: Training of local health workers to meet public health needs
11.10: Les Roberts and Richard Brennan: Emergency public health and humanitarian assistance in the twenty-first century
11.11: Virginia Murray, Jill Meara, and Naima Bradley: Principles of public health emergency response for acute environmental, chemical, and radiation incidents
11.12: Quarraisha Abdool Karim and Roger Detels: Private support of public health
11.13: Margaret Chan and Mary Kay Kindhauser: The future of international public health in an era of austerity


ISBN-13: 9780198810131
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Publication date: September, 2017
Pages: 1728
Dimensions: 219.00 x 276.00 x 57.00
Weight: 3668g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Epidemiology, General Practice, Public Health
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