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Oxford Textbook of Medicine
Series: Oxford Textbook
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Main description:

The Oxford Textbook of Medicine is the foremost international textbook of medicine. Unrivalled in its coverage of the scientific aspects and clinical practice of internal medicine and its subspecialties, it is a fixture in the offices and wards of physicians around the world.
More comprehensive, more authoritative, and more international than any other textbook, it focuses on offering practical guidance on clinical management and the prevention of disease.

Three introductory chapters, On being a patient; Modern Medicine; and Global patterns of disease and medical practice, outline a philosophy which has always characterised the Oxford Textbook of Medicine. It is humane, thought-provoking, and aims to instil in readers an understanding of the role of medicine in society, and the contribution it can make to the health of populations.

As always, there is detailed coverage of all areas of internal medicine. The integration of basic science and clinical practice is unparalleled, and throughout the book the implications of research for medical practice are explained. The core clinical medicine sections offer in-depth coverage of the traditional specialty areas. The Oxford Textbook of Medicine has unsurpassed detail on infectious diseases: the most comprehensive coverage to be found in any textbook of medicine. Other sections
of note include pain; bioterrorism and forensic medicine; medical disorders in pregnancy; travel and expedition medicine; nutrition; the use of stem cells; regenerative medicine; and psychiatry and drug related problems in general medical practice. The section on acute medicine is designed to give
rapid access to information when it is needed quickly.

In response to detailed research, there have been substantial changes to ensure that the Oxford Textbook of Medicine continues to meet the needs of its readers. New chapter summaries give accessible overviews of the content. All 2,500 illustrations and photographs are now in full colour, and a new design ensures that the textbook is easy to read and navigate. The evidence-base and references have been entirely overhauled.

And now, for the first time, the Oxford Textbook of Medicine is available in an online edition. All individual purchasers of the book will get 12 months free access to the online version, which contains the full text, figures and illustrations. It has a clear and easy-to-use interface, with excellent navigation and search and browse options. In addition, the online edition facilitates links to sources of related and further reading via PubMed, ISI and CrossRef. All the figures are downloadable
into Powerpoint; an excellent tool when preparing presentations and lecturers.


ISBN-13: 9780199204854
Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP Oxford)
Publication date: May, 2010
Pages: 6016
Dimensions: 226.00 x 284.00 x 222.00
Weight: 13959g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Diseases and Disorders, General Issues, General Practice, Infectious Diseases
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Average Rating 

...easy to read and organized intuitively, with an abundance of vivid full-color figures...The online version is superb, containing the full text as well as photographs and figures...Both the hardcover version and the online version of the Oxford Textbook of Medicine are worthy additions to any internist's library. The 5th edition of the Oxford Textbook of Medicine remains unquestionably a superb reference book...the book is a masterpiece and it remains relevant to the global challenge of medicine 'The latest edition benefits from internationally drawn expert contributors - they are true leaders in their respective fields...the book is a masterpiece and it remains relevant to the global challenge of medicine.' The newest edition of the Oxford Textbook of Medicine includes a comprehensive, well balanced and up-to-date section on cardiovascular medicine written by true experts. Clinical aspects are presented together with the science that underlies them. The OTM conveys to the reader as much crucial information as books many times its size. ...the doctor cannot help but be impressed by the sound advice that OTM5 brings to the consultation. Keep it by you throughout your career-and you will be educated, entertained and uplifted... The Oxford Textbook of Medicine is the ultimate medical resource-the easy way to review the core knowledge and learn about the key, clinically-relevant advances in all the medical specialities. The new edition appears to have maintained a truly authoritative edge and is now easily accessible with online access.