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Patient Safety
Perspectives on Evidence, Information and Knowledge Transfer
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Main description:

Patient Safety: Perspectives on Evidence, Information and Knowledge Transfer provides background on the patient safety movement, systems safety, human error and other key philosophies that support change and innovation in the reduction of medical error. The book draws from multidisciplinary areas within the acute care environment to share models that support the proactive changes necessary to provide safe care delivery. The publication discusses how the tenets of safety (described in the beginning of the book) can be actively applied in the field to make evidence, information and knowledge (EIK) sharing processes reliable, effective and safe. This is a wide-ranging and important book that is designed to raise awareness of the latent risks for patient safety that are present in the EIK identification, acquisition and distribution processes, structures, and systems of many healthcare institutions across the world. The expert contributors offer systemic, evidence-based improvement processes, assessment concepts and innovative activities to identify these risks to minimize their potential to adversely impact care. These ideas are presented to create opportunities for the field to design and use strategies that enable meaningful implementation and management of EIK. Their thoughts will enable healthcare staff to see EIK as a tangible element contributing toward sustainable patient safety improvements.


Contents: Foreword, Robert M. Wachter; Preface. Part 1 Context for Innovation and Improvement: Patient safety: a brief but spirited history, Robert L. Wears, Kathleen M. Sutcliffe and Eric Van Rite; Concepts, context, communication: who's on first?, Lorri Zipperer and Linda Williams; Potential for harm due to failures in the EI&K process, Catherine K. Craven, Barbara Jones and Lorri Zipperer. Part 2 The Role of Evidence, Information and Knowledge: Information and evidence failures in daily work: how they can affect the safety of care, Catherine K. Craven, Ross Koppel and Mark G. Weiner; Leadership, EI&K and a culture of safety, Della Lin, Margo Farber and Judith Napier; Weakness in the evidence base: latent problems to consider and solutions for improvement, Amanda Ross-White, Affaud AnaA-s Tanon and Sumant Ranji. Part 3 Building Blocks of Safety that Affect Information, Evidence and Knowledge-Sharing: Systems thinking, complexity and EI&K for safe care, Howard Fuller; Aviation contexts and EI&K innovation: reliability, teamwork and sensemaking, Jeff Brown, Sara Tompson and Lorri Zipperer. Part 4 Practical Applications to Drive EI&K Progress in the Acute Care Environment: EI&K sharing mechanisms in support of patient safety, Susan Carr, Barbara Olson and Lorri Zipperer; Health information technology in hospitals: towards a culture of EI&K sharing, Prudence Dalrymple and Debora Simmons; Critical intersections in patient safety: evidence and knowledge transfer at the sharp and blunt ends, Julia M. Esparza, Melissa Cole and Gunjan Kahlon; Patient and families as vital EI&K conduits, Amy Donahue, Linda Kenney and Kathryn K. Leonhardt; Humans and EI&K seeking: factors influencing reliability, Linda Williams and James P. Bagian. Part 5 Future States: Analyzing breakdowns in the EIK pathway, Barbara Jones, Mark Graber and Elaine Alligood; A case to illustrate the opportunity for healthcare in EI&K enhancement, Grena Porto, Suzanne Graham and Lorri Zipperer. References; G


ISBN-13: 9781409438571
Publisher: Ashgate Publishing Limited
Publication date: June, 2014
Pages: None
Weight: 975g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Biomedical Engineering


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