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Pearson Reviews & Rationales
Mental Health Nursing with Nursing Reviews & Rationales
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Main description:

This text provides a clear, concentrated, and up-to-date review of today's "need to know" knowledge for effective psychiatric and mental health nursing. Developed and reviewed by a large team of nurse educators, PEARSON REVIEWS & RATIONALES: MENTAL HEALTH NURSING WITH NURSING REVIEWS & RATIONALES, 3/e fully reflects the current (2010) NCLEX-RN(R) Test Plan. The text thoroughly covers mental health nursing, including every major diagnostic category. Additional chapters focus on crisis intervention and suicide; family violence and sexual assault, loss and grief; and the psychological adaptation to medical illness. Since mental health questions are unique and distress many students, Chapter 1 presents specific techniques and strategies for answering the NCLEX-RN(R) exam's psychosocial integrity questions. A complete support package includes access to additional questions and the complete eText online, and a tear-out NursingNotes card for clinical reference and quick review. Hundreds of practice questions in the book and online at help students measure their readiness for the NCLEX-RN(R).
In addition, you can access an eText version of this book on this website


Preface 1. Overview of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing 2. Crisis Intervention and Suicide 3. Infancy, Childhood, Adolescence, and Developmental Disabilities 4. Mood Disorders 5. Anxiety Disorders 6. Somatoform Disorders 7. Dissociative Disorders 8. Personality Disorders 9. Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders 10. Delirium, Dementia, and Other Cognitive Mental Disorders 11. Substance Use Disorders 12. Family Violence and Sexual Assault 13. Loss, Grief, and Death 14. Psychological Adaptation to Medical Illness Appendix. Practice to Pass & Case Studies Suggested Answers Index


ISBN-13: 9780132956871
Publisher: Pearson (Prentice-Hall)
Publication date: February, 2012
Pages: 336
Dimensions: 202.00 x 252.00 x 18.00
Weight: 671g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Medical Study and Teaching Aids, Nursing


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