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Main description:
Pediatric Stroke Rehabilitation: An Interprofessional and Collaborative Approach is a groundbreaking text designed to enhance the practice of all health care providers, enrich discussion, and emphasize the interdisciplinary nature of managing best outcomes for a child who has had a stroke. Evidence-based practice is threaded throughout the text with an emphasis on recovery vs. compensation, goal achievement, and outcome measurement.
In conjunction with the interdisciplinary contributions from a wide variety of health care professionals, Drs. Heather Atkinson, Kim Nixon-Cave, and Sabrina E. Smith aim to provide the necessary tools to effectively treat children with stroke.
The first section reviews the medical fundamentals, covering all major types of strokes. The second section of Pediatric Stroke Rehabilitation focuses on the core of the matter, rehabilitation. The final section expands the understanding of the child's recovery to the family, community, and school environment.
Select chapters include:
Personal vignettes written by family members of children who have had a stroke that provides insight into the impact a stroke can have on the child and family
A family focus box to summarize the main points of the chapter to provide the best tools for caregivers to advocate for their child
A case study related to the content and family perspective
Pediatric Stroke Rehabilitation also utilizes the World Health Organization's International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) framework throughout.
Instructors in educational settings can visit www.efacultylounge.com for additional materials to be used in the classroom.
Pediatric Stroke Rehabilitation: An Interprofessional and Collaborative Approach is an interdisciplinary and invaluable resource for students and clinicians to understand and apply effective evidence-based practice and treatment approaches for childhood stroke. The text will also be of interest to healthcare professionals, specifically physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists, physicians, neuropsychologists, nurses, and educators, who work with children who have experienced a stroke.
About the Editors
Contributing Authors
Foreword by Rebecca Ichord, MD
Section I Pediatric Stroke: Medical Management and the Continuum of Care
Chapter 1 Childhood Arterial Ischemic Stroke
Adam Kirton, MD, MsC, FRCPC
Chapter 2 Perinatal Arterial Ischemic Stroke
Sabrina E. Smith, MD, PhD
Chapter 3 Cerebral Sinovenous Thrombosis in Children
Mubeen F. Rafay, MB.BS, FCPS, MSc
Chapter 4 Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Neonates and Children
Shih-Shan Lang, MD and Gregory G. Heuer, MD, PhD
Chapter 5 The Provision of Rehabilitation Medicine Across the Continuum of Care in Pediatric Stroke
Phillip R. Bryant, DO
Section II Optimizing Functional Outcomes After Pediatric Stroke
Chapter 6 Examination and Evaluation of Neuromotor Function in Children With Stroke
Heather L. Atkinson, PT, DPT, NCS and Susan V. Duff, EdD, MPT, OTR/L, CHT
Chapter 7 Intervention for Functional Motor Skills in Children With Stroke
Heather L. Atkinson, PT, DPT, NCS; Mardee Greenham, PhD;
Anna Cooper, BOT, GC Paediatric OT; and Anne Gordon, PhD, MSc, BAppSc
Chapter 8 Communication and Feeding in Children With Stroke
Amy Colin, MA, CCC-SLP and Elizabeth Yeh, MA, CCC-SLP
Chapter 9 Cognitive Changes and Potential in Children With Stroke
Amanda Fuentes, PhD, C Psych and Robyn Westmacott, PhD, C Psych, ABPP
Chapter 10 Behavioral and Emotional Functioning in Children With Stroke
Lauren Krivitzky, PhD, ABPP-CN and Danielle Bosenbark, PhD
Section III The Child's Environment: Family and Community
Kim Nixon-Cave, PT, PhD, PCS
Chapter 11 The Family and Child's Environment in Children With Stroke
Lois J. Robbins, DSW, LSW and Kim Nixon-Cave, PT, PhD, PCS
Chapter 12 Educational Needs of a Child/Adolescent Following a Stroke
Elisa Olson D'Achille, MEd and Juliana Bloom, PhD
Chapter 13 Prevention to Poststroke Rehabilitation: Lifelong Management, Advocacy, and Resources for
Children With Stroke
Kim Nixon-Cave, PT, PhD, PCS and Mary Kay Ballasiotes
Financial Disclosures
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: August, 2017
Pages: None
Weight: 1049g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Counselling & Therapy, Neurology, Paediatrics and Neonatal, Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation